Themed Mixtape Game

My body is ready for more of the Themed Mixtape Game!

How about everyone submits their favourite metal song of 2018?! I know it’s not really a “theme” so much. But could be interesting.
I've completed a number of measurables tying this game into the Non-Metal Themed Mixtape Game. Please see visuals below. If anyone is interested in manipulating the data for their own curiosity, I'll forward the raw data Excel file.

NOTE: There are at least two incomplete data points which I'll deal with later. They're due to complete fucktards wanting to get fucking creative with the rating system instead of just tallying scores 1-10 like normal goddamn human beings and I'm too tired to look into how it translates to this data set.



I didn't tally all submissions, that's just winning songs. You've only won twice. Show me proof if you're certain otherwise.

Re: various accounts, this metric is just that, scores based on account not people IRL. I'm not sorting that bullshit out.
I didn't tally all submissions, that's just winning songs. You've only won twice. Show me proof if you're certain otherwise.

Re: various accounts, this metric is just that, scores based on account not people IRL. I'm not sorting that bullshit out.
i said submitted, not won. So clearly we werent on the same page, no need to ask for proof when you know what im talking about

And that chart means shit when there are three accounts used by the same person. It literally skews everything. Talos and omni are both the same person, that's already been confirmed. One more is confirmed, but ill save that one for the right time.

But yeah, do what you want. Just pointing out some facts

edit: btw are you counting the wins from the 2018 version?
I'd love to do a mass scale scoring of all submissions by all users don't get me wrong, but this alone has taken hours. Should be easier going forward, if people would be kind enough to tag me when winners are announced I'd love to keep it up.

It's a tricky slope with alts. There's probably more than Omni using them. So fuck it.
It's a tricky slope with alts. There's probably more than Omni using them. So fuck it.
yea but not in these threads. We know all the other guys on that chart

And didnt realize you included Elric, that's another confirmed omni alt. So there's actually 4 of his accounts on there lmfao. wow

edit: Im actually gonna go back and edit the song survivor master list and take out any of the games that had his alts voting in them
Didn't think my average score would be so high. If RadicalThrasher turns out to be an Omni alt as well (a distinct possibility), then I win on a technicality. Fuck yeah.

Thanks for all the stats porn btw, love it.

EDIT: Wait, arg with an average score of 8? That has to be an error.
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If RadicalThrasher turns out to be an Omni alt as well (a distinct possibility)
impossible. He clearly has his own personality(omni literally admitted that he didnt and that he mimicked people), has posted pictures of himself and i also know him from other sites. Ones that jonmni would never even think about visiting. They almost have zero in common
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impossible. He clearly has his own personality(omni literally admitted that he didnt and that he mimicked people), has posted pictures of himself and i also know him from other sites. Ones that jonmni would never even think about visiting. They almost have zero in common

Who was Elric mimicking?

Did you know him before or after U-M?