Themed Mixtape Game



Nitro - Machine Gun Eddie
Siren - Terrible Swift Sword
Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade
Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age
Obsequiae - Arrows
Grave Digger - Excalibur
Dark Forest - Excalibur
Argus - Durendal
Tyr - The Hammer of Thor
Original Sin - Disease Bombs
Yay, someone submitted what would've been my backup pick :D

Really busy with school + moving atm, but I'll get to this in like a week
Nitro - Machine Gun Eddie
3/10 This is lame as shit.

Siren - Terrible Swift Sword
7/ 10 Solid.

Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade
6/10 Decent, but not super impressive.

Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age
6/10 was good, but did not need to be as long as it was

Obsequiae - Arrows
8/10 they've always had a somewhat unique sound that I like a lot, really good song

Grave Digger - Excalibur
10/10 EX-CALLY-BOO! Seriously though, the song fucking rips.

Dark Forest - Excalibur
5/10 Not really awful, but there isn't enough going on to justify it being 8 and a half minutes.

Argus - Durendal
9/10 Listened to the shit out of this album when it first came back, need to get back to it.

Tyr - The Hammer of Thor
4/10 Tyr haven't been good since Eric the Red (and even then I'm not sure if I'd want to listen to them anymore)

Original Sin - Disease Bombs
7/10 Pretty good though production is a bit rough and while not usually a problem it actually detracts from this a bit
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Nitro - Machine Gun Eddie
There are some parts I like, but I'm not too fond of the chorus, and the song as a whole really doesn't do much for me. 5,5/10

Siren - Terrible Swift Sword
Decent song, but nothing to grab my interest. 6,5/10

Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade
The most entertaining thing are the nicknames of the musicians, but they have nothing to do with the song which is not my cup of tea. 3/10

Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age
Exactly what I expected from a short look at the band-logo. Confirms my impression that if you have heard one of these bands, you've heard them all. 2/10

Obsequiae - Arrows
The best part were the 2 1/2 minutes of silence. 2/10

Grave Digger - Excalibur
Though the solo part sounds a bit out of place (because of its sound) and it seems like some people singing the chorus have problems hitting the right notes, this is otherwise a good song. 7/10

Dark Forest - Excalibur
While I'm not overly impressed by the vocals, I like this song the best so far as regards the music (also the solo parts). 8/10

Argus - Durendal
Good song and possibly the best vocals thus far. 7,5/10

Tyr - The Hammer of Thor
I like the vocals, but the music somehow bores me. It sounds like it doesn't go anywhere. 5/10

Original Sin - Disease Bombs
A rather simple, yet perfect song for this topic, conveying an overall menacing atmosphere. For a video to this song, I could imagine some black and white footage from documentaries about WW II. The rather raw production fits very well with this type of music and I also like the vocals very much. While I'd otherwise say that the part with the sound effects at the end is too long for my taste, it's also on topic. Therefore 9,5/10
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Nitro - Machine Gun Eddie 8.5/10
That long wail was fucking insane.

Siren - Terrible Swift Sword 7/10
Not bad at all.

Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade 9.5/10
Raw primal savagery that rips all exposed throats!

Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age 7.5/10
Awesome album, one of the best songs off it.

Obsequiae - Arrows 8/10
Really need to check this album out already, this was killer.

Grave Digger - Excalibur 7.5/10
Epic as fuck chorus, the rest is pretty average for Grave Digger.

Dark Forest - Excalibur 7.5/10
So rough around the edges in the best way possible.

Argus - Durendal 9.5/10
Like Mort said, this was on heavy rotation back when it first came out, really need to revisit it at some point. Gets so much right, the tone, the riffs, the pacing, vocals. Great fucking record.

Tyr - The Hammer of Thor 4/10
The hammer of snore.

Original Sin - Disease Bombs 5.5/10
Not bad.
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I’m out on this round, going on a long summer vacation soon. I might still have time to vote, but even if I win I won’t have time to run the thing so pass it to someone else plsthx
Nitro - Machine Gunn Eddie

Siren - Terrible Swift Sword
Great stuff. Been meaning to check this album out forever, don't know what's keeping me.

Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade

These drums sound an awful lot like that guy who keeps spamming no country's comment box on RYM. Joking aside, this rips. Especially that part around the 1½ minute mark, what an incredible scream.

Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age

Got my hopes up when I saw "melodic black metal" in the description, but this is pretty disappointing.

Obsequiae - Arrows

Grave Digger - Excalibur

Started out weak, but that chorus is epic and the harpischord-ish synth playing quietly over the solo was an unexpected nice touch.

Dark Forest - Excalibur

Best vocals in this mixtape.

Argus - Durendal

Killer tune from one of the best metal albums of the 2000s.

Týr - The Hammer of Thor

I swear this guy sounds exactly like the vocalist of some other band but I can't put my finger on it, I think it's some NWOTHM vocalist? Bugs me that I can't figure it out. Song's okay.

Original Sin - Disease Bombs

This is really interesting and distinctive stuff, the verses sound so damn ghastly. Kinda tuned out during the solos though.
Nitro - Machine Gun Eddie 5/10
Pretty derivative but yeah that wail was awesome.

Siren - Terrible Swift Sword 7.5/10
Cool riffs! Those vocals are pretty wimpy though.

Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade 6.5/10
Felt like I would have enjoyed this more if the drums were better and more prominent.

Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age 9/10
Never got around to this Abigor album - feeling stupid now. This rips.

Obsequiae - Arrows 8.5/10
Oddly medieval sounding BM crammed with melodic leads that don't overpower things.

Grave Digger - Excalibur 5/10
Didnt find it catchy enough to overcome the cheese. Best thing about this was the spacey solo.

Dark Forest - Excalibur 7.5/10
Overstayed its welcome, but I really liked this.

Argus - Durendal 6.5/10

Solid, but didn't really grab me.

Týr - The Hammer of Thor 6/10

Better than I expected.

Original Sin - Disease Bombs 7/10
^What Pompey said.

Nitro - Machine Gun Eddie


Siren - Terrible Swift Sword

Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade

Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age

Obsequiae - Arrows

Grave Digger - Excalibur

Dark Forest - Excalibur

Argus - Durendal

Tyr - The Hammer of Thor

Original Sin - Disease Bombs
Nitro - There is much to love and much to hate about this but fuck me that solo rocks and l do like a bit of 80's glam metal 9/10
Siren - Awesome riffs and leads, l need this album 9/10
Sauron - Fairly simple generic riffs but it's got charm. It's alright. I don't mind it. 6.5/10
Abigor - With so much going on i'd have thought the mix would sound bigger but it's kinda weedy. And the drums are a bit shit. They have some cool riffs and wind going for them tho. 6/10
Obsequiae - Ah this is the next bit without the wind. 6.5/10
Grave Digger - Killer first riff. And that "chorus" is wicked. This sounds fantastic 8/10
Dark Forest - Cool as hell..nothing to add 8/10
Argus - l don't know how long i'd be able to listen to an album of songs by these guys before ennui sets in, but l'm enjoying this tonight. Full blast. 7/10
Tyr - Wow interesting riffs. These guys can play. l'm not into a lot of the vocals or rhythmic patterns but cool solos and a bonus point for all round excellence! lol 9/10
Original Sin - Oh yeah man these riffs. Killer playlist 9/10
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I am on a school trip in Wales at the minute. Went Gorge walking yesterday which was super fun. I’m back tomorrow so I’ll rate this on Saturday if it’s still going.
Nitro - Machine Gun Eddie
Moderately compelling riffs, pretty sweet scream. And then it gets a bit gallopy but still good/listenable. Some Queen influences in the chorus? Ok i'll give it an 8/10

Siren - Terrible Swift Sword
Sounds like a more terrible version of Rush. It's just constant common time with little riff changes. It's not "bad" just really nothing memorable to come back to 5/10

Sauron - Blood for the Savage Blade
These riffs are bland and they should feel bad. Vocalist is trying hard to save the band, but that takes a full band effort. 4/10

Abigor - Unleashed Axe Age
Ok a lot more effort went into this one. Appreciated. It avoids falling into that trap of dragging on repeat like a lot of these black metal bands do. This is actually pretty listenable for someone who barely dabbles in black metal bands like Dissection. 7/10

Obsequiae - Arrows
Changing harmonies quickly does not make them interesting harmony changes. I guess it works if they're going for a folk inspired blend, maybe Irish? It all stays around one tonality very strongly though. The harsh vocals make it interesting only as a contrast, and the speed of the thing makes it somewhat less boring I suppose. 6/10

Grave Digger - Excalibur
Really enjoyed this song more when I first heard it, I was into bands like KMFDM and Symphony X back then. it's still good but I'd rather listen to something else now tbh. Solid chorus 8/10

Dark Forest - Excalibur
This drags and I zoned out and forgot it was on and started browsing other sites. For that reason alone 3/10, also the vocals kind of suck

Argus - Durendal
Hey guys, guys, check out this sick riff we came up with. Check it out. The rest of the riffs don't even matter guys because the intro is sick af. Doesn't matter if it makes musical sense either, it sounds dope guys. Ok lol. I kind of enjoyed the vocals and some moments here. But the solo is "out" in bad ways too. 6/10

Tyr - The Hammer of Thor
See this sounds "out" in clever ways, in the intro. There's a few beats in the verse that sound grating to me, but otherwise mostly cool. Was hoping for more from the vocals, overuse of synthetic harmony in them. i don't know this band has potential. I'd listen to more by them but hopefully they change up the style some on other albums. 7.5/10 the intro promised more than the song delivered by far

Original Sin - Disease Bombs
I like what the guitar solo is going for. Yeah this song is all about the guitar solo and backing riffs during it. Some real inspiration in there it's just unpolished. The rest of the song is pretty plain. steady driving beat though. -1 for that weird shit at the end 7/10
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