Themed Mixtape Game

Finishing before GoT tonight.

1. Sarkasm - Hypno Domination - 81/100 pts
2. Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding 79/100 pts
2. Ice Age - Instant Justice 79/100 pts
4. Aftermass - Conjuration 76/100 pts
5. Teleport - Galactic Usurper 75/100 pts
6. Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face 72/100 pts
6. Nachtmahr - Trollnacht 72/100 pts
8. Gnome - Emptiness 57.5/100 pts
8. Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation 57.5/100 pts
10. Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider 56.5/100 pts

11. Liers in Wait - Overlord DQ 66.5/100 pts
11. Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons DQ 60.5/100 pts

Bow to your new overlord and master, @TechnicalBarbarity wins.

Too lazy to write anything out so I'll just score the stuff

Teleport - Galactic Usurper 8/10
Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider 6/10
Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation 9/10
Sarkasm - Hypno Domination 8/10
Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding 9/10
Ice Age - Instant Justice 7/10
Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face 7/10
Liers in Wait - Overlord 9/10
Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons 5/10
Nachtmahr - Trollnacht 6/10
Gnome - Emptiness 5/10
Aftermass - Conjuration 8/10

Doesnt change the final result so why not.

1. Sarkasm - Hypno Domination - 89/110 pts
2. Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding 88/110 pts
3. Ice Age - Instant Justice 86/110 pts
4. Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face 85/110 pts
5. Aftermass - Conjuration 84/110 pts
6. Teleport - Galactic Usurper 83/110 pts
7. Nachtmahr - Trollnacht 78/110 pts
8. Liers in Wait - Overlord 75.5/110 pts
9. Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation 66.5/110 pts
10. Gnome - Emptiness 62.5/110 pts
10. Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider 62.5/110 pts
12. Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons DQ 65.5/100 pts
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Reactions: Phylactery and CiG
Are you not going to let us know who posted which song?

I’ll guess some:
Cartilage Old Wainds
Morgan Pompey
Liers in Wait Mort
Gnome Serjeant/Dweller
Nachtmahr Serjeant/Dweller
Aftermass HBB
Ice Age Burkhard
Teleport Baroque
I was Aftermass. I assumed wainds was Witchkiller until he posted his rating, I swear that EP has/had a strong online following but maybe just not here.
Yeah, I was expecting some filthy, savage and brutal death metal from you CiG for this theme!

Glad to see a few people liking my Eternal pick. I discovered it on YouTube a few months back and its general sound is obviously right up my alley. I’d recommend checking out the full demo.
Yeah, I was expecting some filthy, savage and brutal death metal from you CiG for this theme!

Originally planned to submit something from Catacomb's demo or Eulogy's Three Dead Sheep demo, should have went with my gut. Even something from Embrionic Death would have been cooler, at least the weirdness factor would have added something to the playlist, and I know at least HBB likes Stream of Solidarity.

Keen to see what theme Tech comes up with next.