Themed Mixtape Game

While procrastinating work today, I attempted to transcribe the lyrics to Killer Without a Face:

Would you consider what you're doing there
Aaaaah iflaah dekitty baahsence
Then you know keenight oweah
Full of blacked into death

He's obsessed with security
Don't listen man hatceptions
You don't look at this paternity
You don't listen to your conscience

Water public children
Women olden man
Do you think it's human?
Do you think it can?

Nam nah time is coming round
member of the killer's race
you are a killer without a face

Now I see the time like the storm
You're on the way back home
So the enemy is splashican
Looks amatter new adaam

Lokom grey to a new era
When it's playing no madman's songs
For nyaff let me understeah
Tell emigg ana da steeri

I cryyyyyyyyyyyy-nce (???)

Water public children
Women olden man
Do you think it's human?
Do you think it can?

Nam nah time is coming round
member of the killer's race
you are a killer without a face
Teleport - Galactic Usurper 8/10
Damn early Teleport is so cool, I had no idea they used to sound like this, though I'm not surprised since I hear the Voivodian vibes even in their newest shit. Gotta look into this stuff!

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider 6/10
Shite I'm realising that I submitted the wrong track off this, I always confuse the two songs. It was meant to be "The Siege of Jerusalem." Oh well, this song rocks too but it definitely is overly long and repetitive. I should have just submitted the pornogrind song I originally had planned lmfao.

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation 4.5/10
Thin whispy lozenge metal, not really feeling it. It's pretty wimpy. Highlights were the cassette faults that made it fart static.

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination 9/10

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding 8/10
Cartilage have such an obscure sound that could only come out of Finland. The guitar tone is weird as fuck.

Ice Age - Instant Justice 7/10
Pretty fucking cool, tons of energy!

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face 7/10
That was really sweetah! Never heard of these guys before.

Liers in Wait - Overlord 9.5/10
One of my favourite EPs ever, whirlwind riffs, frantic blasting, shrieks from the fucking beyond, a great mixture of grindcore, proto-tech and Swedeath. Totally psychotic! Only beef is this is not the best track on the EP, but whatever it still destroys everything else on this playlist so far.

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons 7/10
Has a sleazy swagger to it that I really appreciate.

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht 7.5/10
Those moments in black metal where they slow right down and drill the drums into your head never ceases to impress me, and the clean-singing doom metal breakdown part was also quite unexpected and interesting, really made the final minute or so of black metal blasting quite effective.

Gnome - Emptiness 10/10
WOW THE VOCALIST! This is nutzo shit, I love it. A Japanese band called Gnome that clearly likes Burzum enough to play similar but not totally rip him off? Yeah this rules, those fucking riffs are so damn ancient sounding! This is what I imagine plays in the forest when Krow goes fungus-fondling. (Sorry to Liers in Wait but this just toppled your playlist throne.)

Aftermass - Conjuration 8/10
If you just saw "death/thrash" you wouldn't get the full picture, I love the crossover spazzouts and the more powerthrash inclined vocal style with a second vocalist who does old school death vocals. Pretty damn bizarre in practice even though in theory it's nothing groundbreaking. The pacing was great and the audible bass a huge plus.
Teleport - Galactic Usurper
Pretty neat touches of dissonance and a lovely snare tone

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider

Pretty generic, but good job fooling me into thinking this was recorded in the 80's.

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation
Grim and trve.

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination
It's nothing special but certainly has its moments.

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding
A bit more up my alley than the previous track, mainly through the richer atmosphere.

Ice Age - Instant Justice
I guess this is the real Thrash Queen, because they've got some tasty riffs.

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face
This is something that would benefit from a bit more polish in the sound, but it's good a few good ideas.

Liers in Wait - Overlord
The way this follows right after a much more moderate song really gives you a nice kick in the ass. They might not hold my attention for an entire album, but for just 4 minutes, they've got me by the balls. It's a bit odd in that the Cartilage was a bit more in the atmospheric realm that I look for, but they don't quite nail it in the way this track does.

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons
It has just enough of a beefy guitar tone, solid production, and a proficient vocalist to accomplish exactly the sound it aspires towards. A solid heavy metal anthem.

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht
I don't if this will give me any Nachtmahre, but it really has a menacing sound and nice use of synth, even some clean vocals thrown into the mix, to boot. This actually leaves me feeling disappointed that this band didn't release a whole lot more than this.

Gnome - Emptiness
The vocals may be an acquired taste, but without that touch of Japanese weirdness, what is the point even?

Aftermass - Conjuration
Those previous two songs were tough acts to follow, so this is comparatively less impressive, but those sporadic clean vocals do keep it from being generic.
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Teleport - Galactic Usurper
aside from the boring speed metal parts (the first of which kicks in at 1:09) and a structural looseness i don't really go for, good stuff. tense riffage and spiralling leads, you don't need anything else. 7/10

Stone Dagger - The Siege of Jerusalem
i remember spinning this one quite a bit when it came out, and i figured i'd rate the song he actually meant to submit, as it's much better. still slightly too rockish for me i guess but impassioned epic shit nevertheless. 8/10

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation
the most 1996 thing that ever 1996d, but uruguay is a weird fucking place for this to spawn from. love how sloppy and unearthly this is, and that whole passage from 1:00-1:45 mins or so (and later) is exhilarating, almost sacramentum-ish. 8/10

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination

i've pretty much never heard better in this style. when it lets go it really kicks ass. 9/10

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding

life has no meaning to a fiend like myself. probably their most tidily written song, the one which gets the best out of those wonky ass riffs. eucharist is the closest comparison but nothing sounds quite like this. 9/10

Ice Age - Instant Justice

inexplicable that something so assured and distinctive, with an official fucking music video to boot, could be so under the radar. is the reformed album any good? 9/10

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face

i've heard this before on pompey's recommendation, it's like some lonely european hermit listened to di anno era maiden and thought hey i could do that. those barely in tune leads in the final minute are the shit i live for, desperately beautiful. 9.5/10

Liers in Wait - Overlord

those grotesque boys could do no wrong. kinda resembles at the gates' debut in the off-kilter violence of its transitions and unstable feel to the riffs and melodies, albeit it's more of an unrelenting maelstrom without quite the same epic scope. i imagine it was an inspiration for crimson massacre as well. 9/10

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons

very formulaic but listenable enough. really suffers in comparison to all the unusual shit before it. 5/10

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht

bit polished and overblown for my tastes, and putting multiple styles together does not equal originality. it's aight, i would've liked it when i was a teenage opeth fanboy probably. 5/10

Gnome - Emptiness

this is more generic and cheeseball than a lot of the BM that gets attacked for being wimpy around here, i was expecting something a lot nuttier you buncha weebs. 'tis basically burzum filtered through stuff like ...and oceans and mortiis, which can only be a downgrade in my book. 4/10

Aftermass - Conjuration

rating could improve if i had a version that wasn't so quiet, but both youtubes i found are hard to hear properly through headphones even with volume maxed out on everything. might try with speakers tomorrow if i get the chance. quite like the sound of it though. 6/10
About halfway through this so far killer list. Lazy ratings incoming.


Teleport - Galactic Usurper - 10/10

Best song on this list

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider - 7.5/10

Pretty good but lost some steam towards the end though

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation - 5.5/10

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination - 10/10

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding - 8.5/10

Nice, a killer OSDM band that ive never even heard of. This is why i love these playlists.

Ice Age - Instant Justice - 6 /10

This ruled but im gonna have to knock off a few points because they've actually released a full length. But yeah i think its about time i give these guys a proper shot.

Morgan Le - Killer Without a Face - 6/10

rather unoriginal and somewhat generic, vocalist is pretty meh and lol at that "solo" towards the end.

Liar in Wait - Overlord - 8/10

Pretty fucking solid. But just not as good as the two other death metal tracks that came before it. You can tell CC where a huge influence to these guys

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons - 7.5/10

Now this is generic/by the books trad that i can enjoy.

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht - 8/10

da black artz done right.

Gnome - Emptiness - 7.5/10

i approve

Aftermass - Conjuration - 8.5/10

Ripped my face off. Definitely need to check these guys out.

Another solid fucking list. Cheers guys! :kickass:

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Teleport - Galactic Usurper 7/10

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider 4/10

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation 8.5/10

Really amateur stuff, but yeah I love the sound of this. Like a blacker Skydancer.

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination 9/10

Never heard of this band. This absolutely dominates and the vocals rule.

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding 9.5/10

Had to be here, fucking amazing. One of the best splits ever and along with Demigod, my favourite death metal to come from Finland.

Ice Age - Instant Justice 8/10

This is actually really good with some crazy riffing, but how is it eligible for the theme?
Edit: Changed my score. Didn't realise Krow had said that.

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face 9/10

Wow, that opening riff really grabbed my attention and the song didn't let up. Really fucking good.

Liers in Wait - Overlord 8/10

Schizophrenic, savage and absolutely fucking vicious.

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons 6/10

Listenable enough.

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht 7/10

Those vocals in the doom section are hideously overblown, but overall I quite liked this one.

Gnome - Emptiness 6.5/10

That opening riff is nasty and I enjoy some other parts of the track, but it loses me in other parts. Holy shit those vocals, I could not listen to them for any extended period of time! Definitely not even close to early Burzum.

Aftermass - Conjuration 8/10

Chaotic, vicious and violently unhinged.

Pretty great playlist. Enjoyed nearly everything to varying degrees, except for the second track which is just not my style.

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Ice Age - Instant Justice
inexplicable that something so assured and distinctive, with an official fucking music video to boot, could be so under the radar. is the reformed album any good?
Just check out the songs on youtube and decide for yourself. I still listen to it every once in a while, but to be honest, I had hoped I'd like it more than I do. Here's the official clip of the title track of the album (the best part is IMO the guitar solo) and another official clip of the album version of "Instant Justice":

BTW, you can still download all their demo-songs for free from their official website. (That page stems from the time before they re-united and hasn't been updated since then, but they have, of course, also a facebook-page.) I know that I've posted this link more than once before, but perhaps not everyone who might be interested in their music noticed it.

Ice Age - Instant Justice 6/10

This is actually really good with some crazy riffing, but how is it eligible for the theme?
Krow wrote "I would say a band that disbanded long ago then came back and released an album after 15-20 years would be fair game but that’s up to the voters." Ice Age split up in 1990, reformed in 2014 (though with only two of the founding members left) and released their debut album in 2017, thus 27 years after disbanding. The videoclip is, of course, from the time before they disbanded.
Finishing before GoT tonight.

1. Sarkasm - Hypno Domination - 81/100 pts
2. Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding 79/100 pts
2. Ice Age - Instant Justice 79/100 pts
4. Aftermass - Conjuration 76/100 pts
5. Teleport - Galactic Usurper 75/100 pts
6. Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face 72/100 pts
6. Nachtmahr - Trollnacht 72/100 pts
8. Gnome - Emptiness 57.5/100 pts
8. Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation 57.5/100 pts
10. Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider 56.5/100 pts

11. Liers in Wait - Overlord DQ 66.5/100 pts
11. Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons DQ 60.5/100 pts

Bow to your new overlord and master, @TechnicalBarbarity wins.

Too lazy to write anything out so I'll just score the stuff

Teleport - Galactic Usurper 8/10
Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider 6/10
Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation 9/10
Sarkasm - Hypno Domination 8/10
Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding 9/10
Ice Age - Instant Justice 7/10
Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face 7/10
Liers in Wait - Overlord 9/10
Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons 5/10
Nachtmahr - Trollnacht 6/10
Gnome - Emptiness 5/10
Aftermass - Conjuration 8/10