Themed Mixtape Game

Forgot about this, just submitted something. I'd be down with a dedicated non-album mixtape thread/series.
Dealing with some shit at work. Ended up in an accident then the hospital yesterday for a while. Will try to get you the list this evening.
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Cassettes and 7s playlist.
As I don’t like for these to drag forever, you’ll most likely have two weeks to rate, at most.

Teleport - Galactic Usurper
Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider
Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation
Sarkasm - Hypno Domination
Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding
Ice Age - Instant Justice
Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face
Liers in Wait - Overlord
Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons
Nachtmahr - Trollnacht
Gnome - Emptiness
Aftermass - Conjuration
Teleport - Galactic Usurper
Decent way to start. Leaves me wanting more. 6/10.

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider
It feels like the 80s, almost hair-bandy. 5/10.

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation
That corny opening sucked me in. This is raw winter madness! 9/10.

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination
Heavy and dirty, a good mix. 8/10.

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding
I'm a sucker for osdm, especially with cavernous vocals. 8/10.

Ice Age - Instant Justice
Quality female-fronted thrash. 7/10.

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face
I'm a fan of the guitar work. 6/10.

Liers in Wait - Overlord
Appreciating the vocal diversity and Katharsis-like intensity. 8/10.

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons
Fairly straightforward. 5/10.

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht
That operatic section rules. 8/10.

Gnome - Emptiness
Great synth use to start. But those old man vocals bahh. 4/10.

Aftermass - Conjuration
Disjointed goodness with bass. 8/10.
Teleport - Galactic Usurper
Quality sci-fi thrash in the vein of Vektor and Voivod. Could be longer, but a good sample of their potential. Too bad they never released a full length and became a black metal band. Oh well. 8/10 for this one

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider
I don't usually seek out this style since the 80s, yet I enjoy this recent wave of trad heavy metal. Reminds me of Dawnbringer and The Sword releases from a few years back. 7.5/10 could use some variety

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation
The recording sound is so bad and normally I don't care about that. The music isn't doing much to redeem itself, typical tremolo riffs. Just dull to my ears 4/10

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination
Oh hey i'm listening. Sounds like some tight 90s osdm, somehow we never hear about these guys? I'll go 8/10, would check out more of their music

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding
Similar but the guitar sounds like it's being played through a tin can. Some of the riffs sound like they would be interesting if they were played through a proper amplifier. More experimental than the previous track, but not entirely successful experiments 6.5/10

Ice Age - Instant Justice
This kicks ass, thanks for this! 9/10

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face
Can't stand the Iron Maiden drum beat rip off, and tbh vocals too. The whole song sounds kind of like an outro to a better song 6/10

Liers in Wait - Overlord
A lot of 1992 on this list, not a bad thing. I thought this was going to be worse from the cover. Could be better but it's alright, some of the drumming and guitar parts are interesting 7/10

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons
Eh it's what you expect of this style, nothing more, nothing less. Guitar solo was painfully boring. Formulaic, they bring nothing new to this, even lyrically 5.5/10

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht
This one grabs you by the ears and makes you listen, but then it doesn't have all that much to say. Interesting change around 2:50, unexpected. Harmony is appreciated. Ok I'll go 7.5/10

Gnome - Emptiness
That melody is so familiar, it's like from Disney's Haunted Mansion? Lol. Wtf are these vocals. That poor cat. Just no 3/10

Aftermass - Conjuration
Hmm cool. Reminds me of some of Atheist's stuff, but with clean vocals mixed in. Needs a better recording mix for sure. 8/10
Teleport - Galactic Usurper – it’s a bit iffy but I still prefer this EP to their later stuff, kind of like listening to early Whiplash with random Vektor chords tossed in, doesn’t really work on a whole and the drumming is notably sloppy but it’s still fun, 6.5/10

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider – this immediately started annoying me but once I started to write and pay attention I began to enjoy it, which is odd since these riffs are objectively negligible, I guess it’s just got a really good chorus, 6/10

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation – beginning kind of reminds me of Scald if Scald had an insufferable faggot behind the mic, minus more points when he apparently gives it a suck at 2:08, what the fuck that actually spooked me and I’m usually pretty good with jumpscares, rest is just weepy lame crap anyways, 1/10

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination – great song and demo, twisted riffs while still retaining a bit of chug ala early Atrocity and Gorguts, 8/10

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding – I’ve seen that cover art like a hundred times now but I guess I never actually listened to this, I love how thin and bloopy that guitar is, good dynamics, good stuff, 7.5/10

Ice Age - Instant Justice – has that springiness you don’t find very often in thrash outside of Megadeth, I generally prefer their first demo but I’m digging this song a lot this time around, 7.5/10

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face – I like the NWOBHM-y gloominess and the brief solo near the end was pretty evocative, but ultimately kinda basic and the singer is struggling heavily though bless his heart for trying, 5/10

Liers in Wait – Overlord – I was expecting this to be a highlight but somehow it just sounds ugly, in a wanky way, compared to the Sarkasm and Cartilage songs, guess I’ll have to reevaluate this EP, 4/10

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons – this guy had a fantastic manly voice, don’t listen to this EP often but that chorus came right back to me, going to listen to the rest of this again once the playlist is over, 8/10

Nachtmahr – Trollnacht – glad to hear that this was tech-y dissoshit and not folky atmoshit, the clean vocal part was actually pretty quality, had some stuff I didn’t care as much for but whatevs, enjoyed it, 6.5/10

Gnome – Emptiness – boring but inoffensive aside from the keyboard melodies, 3/10

Aftermass – Conjuration – I love everything about this song but those verses are something else, pure tribal ritualistic savagery, 10/10
Teleport - Galactic Usurper
Decent song. The vocals remind me a bit of Voivod in their early days. 7,5/10

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider
Not really my type of music. 4,5/10

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation
One single look at the cover and I knew what was to come. 1/10

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination
Looks like this is one of the rare occasions I don't mind the vocals of a death metal band. Unfortunately, the song itself sounds too chaotic and incoherent for me to like it. Therefore only 4/10

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding
Music-wise, I like this much better than the previous song. While I'm not too fond of the vocals, they had some kind of comical value and nearly made me laugh (especially when I imagined cookiemonster doing them). Therefore in spite of the rather poor production still: 5/10

Ice Age - Instant Justice
Thrash metal the way I like it. Also enjoyed the solo part(s). 9/10

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face
Definitely one of the more enjoyable songs for me on this list. I really like the guitar work, whereas the vocals aren't overly impressive. Fun fact: The singer on this song and I went to the same class at school way back then. It was only when I looked at the band pic on the back cover shown in the clip that I faintly remembered that he was in a metal band at that time. It seems he didn't use his actual surname in this band, though. To double-check, I just went through some old issues of the German Rock Hard magazine and in issue no. 17 (released somewhere in 1986), I found a review of their first demo plus a band pic which confirms that he was definitely one of the band members. Funny to think that it is because of the mixtape-game on this forum that I eventually - more than three decades later - get to hear one of their songs for the very first time. 7,5/10

Liers in Wait - Overlord
Even if the song didn't feature some of my least favourite type of vocals, I wouldn't want to listen to it again. 1,5/10

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxons
Yawn. 3,5/10

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht
This is difficult. If you cut off the first and the last 1 1/2 minutes, this sounds like something I could listen to, also because of the unusual clean vocals in the middle part. Because of the run-of-the-mill black metal at the beginning and end only: 5,5/10

Gnome - Emptiness
No thanks. 2/10

Aftermass - Conjuration
If the entire song had been as good as the bass-intro, I'd have given the song at least a 9/10-rating, but the rest of the song is at its best decent. And while I do like the moderate type of vocals, I'm not too fond of the harsher type of vocals. Therefore only 6/10
Amazing mixtape. I'm going to give decimal ratings for the first time ever because I ended up rating so many of these tracks in the 8-9 range.

Teleport - Galactic Usurper
Pretty cool, might prefer this to the techdeathy style they developed later. Would rate higher but they're easily the most recognizable name in this mixtape, having already won one mixtape game and all.

Stone Dagger - Black Clad Rider

Starts off promising with a great intro and a killer guitar tone, but then it just meanders for five minutes without any semblance of memorable hooks.

Eternal - Kingdom of Damnation

Almost unlistenably lo-fi but actually great. Kinda Chasm-y in places even. Recording artifact at the 2 minute mark gave me a scare.

Sarkasm - Hypno Domination

This sounds so fully-formed I'm surprised these guys never made it past the demo stage. Not hugely original I guess, but they really nail the style they're going for and the vocalist is great.

Cartilage - Consanguine to Understanding

Love the production on this (reminds me of "A Velvet Creation") and the barely-audible distorted vocals in the intro/outro. What a fucking journey contained in 5 minutes, labyrinthine and otherworldly.

Ice Age - Instant Justice

This mixtape just won't let up, will it? Love that weird-ass riff at the one minute mark.

Morgan Le Fay - Killer Without a Face

Equally as ferocious as the vocals are terrible. Not sure what the lyrics are, but I want to believe he's singing "Do you think it's human, do you think it can??" in that one part.

Liers in Wait - Overlord

And OSDM is boring again - the natural order is restored.

Witchkiller - Day of the Saxon

Pretty cookie cutter.

Nachtmahr - Trollnacht

Love how this just comes in like a storm, immediately waking me up from the stupor the previous song lulled me into. I'm the inverse of Burkhard on this in that I prefer the opening/ending parts to the middle, but I can still appreciate the whole package.

Gnome - Emptiness

[unintelligible cawing]

Aftermass - Conjuration

Not a big fan but the bass intro is super cool at least.
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