Themed Mixtape Game

I don’t give one single fuck about preserving the legitimacy of the sacred Omni file.

The file itself isn't "sacred" I think you missed my point. I'm saying don't mistake the intentions behind the making of the file, it wasn't because Omni roasted him, he made it during a period that Omni wasn't even using this site anymore.

If you meant someone else when you referred to making files as a result of being destroyed in the GMD I have no idea who you mean. Personally I think you're being dishonest, you were referring to Omni.

TechnicallyBarbara is a pathological liar and a confirmed psychopath. Omni may have been a fake, but he/she was at the very least more intelligent and better at internetting than Captain Fuckhead here.

He/she? Just he. Also what has Tech lied about specifically? If he lies pathologically you can surely think of one or two specific lies.

Only time I ever thought Tech lied about something was when in debates with me he would reference things other people had told him, people who obviously eventually turned out to be Omni, an actual sociopath and pathological liar.

More intelligent and better at internetting? lmao you must be really butthurt at Tech right now to say such stupid shit about someone who only managed to maintain their deception because most men automatically believe women and so, though it has come out that many people here had varying degrees of suspicion about Omni, they all just left it alone. Once the thread was pulled Omni's whole shit collapsed in on itself.

Dude did you hear? Omni isnt the dumb psychopathic liar, I AM! abbbahhhahhahha

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If you meant someone else when you referred to making files as a result of being destroyed in the GMD I have no idea who you mean. Personally I think you're being dishonest, you were referring to Omni.
I actually wasn’t, TB gets about on here claiming to have collected stuff on myself and others here and has done many times. Not everything is about Omni.

Also what has Tech lied about specifically? If he lies pathologically you can surely think of one or two specific lies.
Are you kidding? He's lying about me beating my wife, for starters. He lies about 'schooling people' after arguments where he's had his arse handed to him several times over. He's clearly lying in the previous argument in this thread with HBB. Lying about shit appears to be one of his defense mechanisms.

More intelligent and better at internetting? lmao you must be really butthurt at Tech right now to say such stupid shit about someone who only managed to maintain their deception because most men automatically believe women and so, though it has come out that many people here had varying degrees of suspicion about Omni, they all just left it alone. Once the thread was pulled Omni's whole shit collapsed in on itself.
Omni was a better/more intelligent poster on this forum is what I meant. I don't really give that much of a shit about the great deception, TB could be a fat middle aged woman from the UK called Barbara for all I know or care. I understand that people like yourself that messaged behind the scenes and built online relationships with him/her feel duped and burned, but as far as I go, I come here to see interesting personalities and Omni's deadpan autist shtick was far more interesting than TB's knuckle-dragging maniacal internet toughbro is.
:lol: Daaammnnn im burned, is this another one where you think you got me? You're completely delusional and your perception of me shows that you feel threatened for some reason. Anyway, instead of asking you to prove all of your false claims ill just leave this with abbahhahhahhah.
:lol: Daaammnnn im burned, is this another one where you think you got me? You're completely delusional and your perception of me shows that you feel threatened for some reason. Anyway, instead of asking you to prove all of your false claims ill just leave this with abbahhahhahhah.
I actually wasn’t, TB gets about on here claiming to have collected stuff on myself and others here and has done many times. Not everything is about Omni.

Didn't say or even imply it is, just that I thought your file remark was alluding to Omni since that's the file Tech has made. My mistake, you were being immensely vague rather than specific.

Are you kidding? He's lying about me beating my wife, for starters.

Not kidding, are you kidding when you say one lie makes someone pathological? I have no idea about your wife and you but one lie is fuck all.

He lies about 'schooling people' after arguments where he's had his arse handed to him several times over.


Omni was a better/more intelligent poster on this forum is what I meant. I don't really give that much of a shit about the great deception, TB could be a fat middle aged woman from the UK called Barbara for all I know or care. I understand that people like yourself that messaged behind the scenes and built online relationships with him/her feel duped and burned, but as far as I go, I come here to see interesting personalities and Omni's deadpan autist shtick was far more interesting than TB's knuckle-dragging maniacal internet toughbro is.

Omni once took a hiatus from this site because Deron wouldn't make HBB stop theorising that Pagan Altar were a fake band, you're romanticising HIS participation on this site. He was a fool.

I don't feel burned either, only reason Omni's deception was a big deal for me was because he was trying to paint me as a doxer behind-the-scenes. Whatever weird perception people have here that I was emotionally invested in my friendship with Omni is buying into a narrative Omni himself crafted and pushed here.

The narrative of an actual pathological liar. But hey if you're nostalgic for Omni don't let me stop you lmao.
Good thing you’re not white-knighting for him haha.

Dude you are the one who came in here talking about Omni. I’m pretty bored of the subject to be honest.
Again, only brought up Omni because I thought you were referring to him with the file comment. I'll be happy to repeat that until you get it.

I'm whiteknighting because I'm calling you out for accusing him of lying about so much stuff he's therefore pathological, meanwhile just the other day you were trying to say I've destroyed him in arguments here and now you're nostalgia-fagging over Omni.

Sack up faggot, I know he's asshurt you brutally with the domestic violence stuff but no need to dickride me and Omni just to get back at Tech lmfao. Also if you're bored you're perfectly free to shut the fuck up and stop responding. Not my problem.
I'd probably play that, though I have a feeling you're going to see a lot of obvious/in-crowd picks for most years before the late 90s, and especially so for the 80s.
Obvious picks win every round anyway and there’s no in crowd left unless you wait an entire month for wainds to rate.
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