Themed Mixtape Game

I feel so worthless. OMG. I really could’ve been a big player here if only I had spent every waking moment of the last many years conniving, gossiping, bitching and collecting & fabricating bullshit about people on here in order to feel like a REAL MAN because THEY SAID I WAS A HOMO, MOM, THEY MADE FUN OF ME MOM AND NOW THEY’RE GONNA PAY *sobs*

bahahahhaah this coming form the biggest whiny ass bitch on this forum? bahahahha amazing!

Btw you know what gossiping is? It's what you and few others did when you guys were talking shit behind my back while i was gone. And make sure your wifey scrambles the eggs right today, dont want you to end up scrambling her face again.
bahahahhaah this coming form the biggest whiny ass bitch on this forum? bahahahha amazing!

Btw you know what gossiping is? It's what you and few others did when you guys were talking shit behind my back while i was gone. And make sure your wifey scrambles the eggs right today, dont want you to end up scrambling her face again.
Bahahahaaaaaahhhhhahahahahahahahahahah :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:sofunny:lol:notreally:lol::lol::lol:

Posting shit out in the open for everyone including yourself to see is not ‘talking shit behind your back’. You’ve actually admitted to talking to others about me behind the scenes remember? ‘Lots of people here don’t actually like you’ or some shit. You’re the gossip queen of this forum, Facebook friending and messaging everyone you can to talk about other people here to build your bullshit ‘files’ against people because you’ve been burned and made to look a fool so many times and your precious thin-skinned ego can’t handle it. You ragequit and vowed never to return twice now, remember?
Bahahahaaaaaahhhhhahahahahahahahahahah :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:sofunny:lol:notreally:lol::lol::lol:

Posting shit out in the open for everyone including yourself to see is not ‘talking shit behind your back’. You’ve actually admitted to talking to others about me behind the scenes remember? ‘Lots of people here don’t actually like you’ or some shit. You’re the gossip queen of this forum, Facebook friending and messaging everyone you can to talk about other people here to build your bullshit ‘files’ against people because you’ve been burned and made to look a fool so many times and your precious thin-skinned ego can’t handle it. You ragequit and vowed never to return twice now, remember?

lmao the butthurt is strong with this one.

and no ive never admitted to talking shit about you to others, what i did was tell you how one person talked shit about you and said no one really likes you, i mean sure i get how an imbecile like yourself might think that's me talking shit about you but it actually isnt. Talking shit is what i do to you here all day and its something you obviously cant handle as is evident from your meltdown that you're currently having. Talking shit behind someones back when they're not around(what you constantly did) is literally the definition of gossiping "BUT I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T COMING BACK SO I WAS TALKING SHIT/GOSSIPING ABOUT YOU! WHY DID YOU COME BACK?!" :lol: grow a set of balls you womanly bitch.

btw aug is the only person here i have on my friends list and we totally sit there all day and go all Satanstoenail and talk shit behind everyones back. ALL DAY DUDE, ALLL DAY!!! :lol:

edit: btw when i left this forum it had zero to do with any of you guys. It was because deron deleted one of my posts during the whole faggotgate fiasco. Sorry i bursted your bubble and came back though.
Facebook friending and messaging everyone you can to talk about other people here to build your bullshit ‘files’ against people because you’ve been burned and made to look a fool so many times and your precious thin-skinned ego can’t handle it.

Omni burned Tech and made him look like a fool many times? Could you link? Will be funny to read if true right?
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Omni burned Tech and made him look like a fool many times? Could you link? Will be funny to read if true right?
Actually the two that spring to mind that burned him most savagely are you and HBB. Ironic, considering you're now white-knighting for him.

Omni is the one Tech made a file on.
I thought he made files on lots of people here. Then again he’s totally full of shit so who knows.
Yes, retard, but Omni is the one Tech made a file on. This is the implication of STN's comment about Tech making files on people who make him look like a fool. Try to keep up (((faggot))).

I don't see how that was implied. Even Einherjar has made Techy look like a fool. Though Techy does a great job by himself looking like a fool by roidraging in every single argument and being almost incapable of conceding a point.
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Actually the two that spring to mind that burned him most savagely are you and HBB. Ironic, considering you're now white-knighting for him.

Not white-knighting, just not letting any of you faggots slide when you try to imply that Tech's file or findings on Omni were in anyway illegitimate. I know full well that Tech's file on Omni doesn't coincide with any big debate they'd had. That's all.

In your attempts to sling shit with Tech don't try to erode the insanity of Omni nor the legitimate exposition of his mania therein. ;)

I thought he made files on lots of people here. Then again he’s totally full of shit so who knows.

Not that I know of, for example if he had one on you he probably would have been able to immediately pull out the documents related to this domestic violence thing he says you were involved with. Right? Also I doubt he has a file on me but if he does it will be the most boring file ever.

I don't see how that was implied. Even Einherjar has made Techy look like a fool. Though Techy does a great job by himself looking like a fool by roidraging in every single argument and being almost incapable of conceding a point.

It's implied in the mention of making files, since that's the conclusive example; that he made and distributed a file on Omni. Duh.
Actually the two that spring to mind that burned him most savagely are you and HBB. Ironic, considering you're now white-knighting for him.

I thought he made files on lots of people here. Then again he’s totally full of shit so who knows.

i get it, you're burned and are trying to stir shit up like the little woman you are. CIG has never "burned me savagely" and i constantly rip and destroy HBB, just like how i did(along with his own help)a few pages back in this thread.

And yea dude i had one on everyone, they're on my old work computer...
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I doubt you have one on everyone. Like, define everyone. I accuse you of major and consistent exaggeration.
Why only certain people and why do you consider those certain people "everyone"?

Is it people you admire who don't feel the same, so it's kinda like a throwback to highschool where "everyone" is excluding you?
Not white-knighting, just not letting any of you faggots slide when you try to imply that Tech's file or findings on Omni were in anyway illegitimate. I know full well that Tech's file on Omni doesn't coincide with any big debate they'd had. That's all.

In your attempts to sling shit with Tech don't try to erode the insanity of Omni nor the legitimate exposition of his mania therein. ;)
I don’t give one single fuck about preserving the legitimacy of the sacred Omni file. TechnicallyBarbara is a pathological liar and a confirmed psychopath. Omni may have been a fake, but he/she was at the very least more intelligent and better at internetting than Captain Fuckhead here.

i get it, you're burned and are trying to stir shit up like the little woman you are. CIG has never "burned me savagely" and i constantly rip and destroy HBB, just like how i did(along with his own help)a few pages back in this thread.

And yea dude i had one on everyone, they're on my old work computer...
Nice (very) late edit and confirmation of your sad, insecure and very much in denial personality. Keep making dumb memes. It’s all you’re good for.
I don’t give one single fuck about preserving the legitimacy of the sacred Omni file. TechnicallyBarbara is a pathological liar and a confirmed psychopath. Omni may have been a fake, but he/she was at the very least more intelligent and better at internetting than Captain Fuckhead here.

Nice (very) late edit and confirmation of your sad, insecure and very much in denial personality. Keep making dumb memes. It’s all you’re good for.
Lmao! Buttrammed indeed. Is all the anger making you delusional? Someone who beat the snot out of his wife/ex-girlfriend/mom calling me a psychopath bahahhhaha. And unlike yourself I dont lie about anything. But keep scrambling... i love it :lol: Also yea, omni was sooooo intelligent bahahhaha. And yea he was so good at the internet that he told me that your naturally a sour fuck and that no one here likes you and yet here you are praising him and accusing me of talking shit behind peoples back. You miss him so much because you two are clearly cut from the same cloth

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what you call BURNED.

Dude did you hear? Omni isnt the dumb psychopathic liar, I AM! abbbahhhahhahha

Why only certain people and why do you consider those certain people "everyone"?

Is it people you admire who don't feel the same, so it's kinda like a throwback to highschool where "everyone" is excluding you?
as usual, i have no fucking clue what you keep jabbering on about.

Let me make this easier for some of the slower people on here like yourself, i made one file and it's on omni and it was made in a matter of one week in January after i found out he tried doxxing me. The funny thing is he tried friending me for 2 years on facebook and has told me numerous times how much he "admires" me. Especially on his way out where he reiterated it in some minbboggling ways. Are you mad that i havent shopped your ugly mug on any of these pics or given you any attention? Kinda like a throwback to high school where no one even knew you existed?
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