Themed Mixtape Game

I dunno, the nature of a lyrical theme at least forces some diversity. It also allows people to judge submissions by a criterion independent of how much they simply enjoy the song. A 1984 mixtape is going to be 80% trad metal, with maybe some Celtic Frost and Bathory thrown in the mix. Jag Panzer will probably win that year unless people submit Metallica or Iron Maiden songs.
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I like that idea. Should work fine with most of Western, Northern, and Central-Eastern Europe, as well as good portions of North and South America, plus a few others like Japan.
I'm whiteknighting because I'm calling you out for accusing him of lying about so much stuff he's therefore pathological, meanwhile just the other day you were trying to say I've destroyed him in arguments here and now you're nostalgia-fagging over Omni.
No, you’re white-knighting because the two of you have been holding dicks since Omnigate. You’ve done a little project together and now you’re skipping around the forum liking each other’s posts. It’s sweet.

Sack up faggot, I know he's asshurt you brutally with the domestic violence stuff but no need to dickride me and Omni just to get back at Tech lmfao. Also if you're bored you're perfectly free to shut the fuck up and stop responding. Not my problem.
Dickride you and Omni? There was no mention of either of you until you marched in here to protect your buddy, cuckface. lmfaoroflmao
says im no good for talking behind his back and then continually praises the one person who actually said those things. SO INTELLIGENT! SO GOOD AT INTERNETTING ! :lol: WHY ARE YOU GUYS GETTING ALONG WITH HIM! WAAAAA WAAAA! There's a reason why you and HBB will forever be at my feet ....
says im no good for talking behind his back and then continually praises the one person who actually said those things. SO INTELLIGENT! SO GOOD AT INTERNETTING ! :lol: WHY ARE YOU GUYS GETTING ALONG WITH HIM! WAAAAA WAAAA! There's a reason why you and HBB will forever be at my feet ....
I hear hyperventilating..
No, you’re white-knighting because the two of you have been holding dicks since Omnigate. You’ve done a little project together and now you’re skipping around the forum liking each other’s posts. It’s sweet.

Dickride you and Omni? There was no mention of either of you until you marched in here to protect your buddy, cuckface. lmfaoroflmao


Congratulations. Here are the total points of all 3 rounds:

@Krow 258.5
@CiG 254
@TechnicalBarbarity 191

If Tech had played all 3 rounds he would have won this I think. Anyways, I'll host a 2019 Mixtape Game once 2019 is over with, until then the classic Themed Mixtape Game will start again, so it's upto Krow to pick a theme and host it.

Thanks to everybody who played the 2018 game.
Do we have to wait until 2019 is over to do a 2019 version?

Could just do it now and have people submit their favourite songs they’ve heard so far. I’d be up for it.
I'd personally rather wait a little while, I think these games would be a good accompaniment for the 2019 Poll game. Also with the classic Mixtape game starting up again it's only going to spread interest in these games even more thin than they already are.

Did you witness the drop-off from round 1 to round 3 with this game that has just ended for example?
Yeah, I agree it’d be a good accompaniment to the 2019 poll. Perhaps have it open a month or two before the poll does to give time to posters to check out things they may not have heard.
I'll post a theme by tomorrow evening. Hopefully we can get the list up by the end of the week. My week's gonna be weird because I have a sleep study mid week.
This theme is.....

Cassettes and 7s.

Submit a song by a band that never released a full length album. (If you’re struggling, use M-A as a guide but understand someone like Paysage d’hiver would be a poor choice, as their hour long “demos” are pretty hard not to consider full lengths)

I would say a band that disbanded long ago then came back and released an album after 15-20 years would be fair game but that’s up to the voters.

10 or so submissions and we will begin.