there doesn't appear to be an all-purpose Neurosis thread

listening to a lot of neurosis lately, mainly the softer stuff like Sovereign, ASTNS, & Jarboe, and EOES. these guys have music figured out. it's really that simple.

everyone else plays music. these guys are music. I love 'em, but Isis are pretenders to the throne.
I got The Eye of Every Storm first, and despite Decadent repeatedly telling me how fucking amazing it is, it never really did anything for me, and I rarely bothered.
Then I was at a mate's place and he decided to show me The Tide on the Sun That Never Sets DVD, comparing it to a song my band plays. I told him he was full of shit, but watched it anyway.
I decided straight away to get a copy of that DVD, which I did, and I also ripped TSIB and Times of Grace on the spot.
Times of Grace is still my favorite, especially Under the Surface and End of the Harvest, soul crushing stuff..
Anyone who doubts the intensity of this band should watch this:

That is all.
i would murder to see neurosis live

EDIT: it's amazing that the two blokes screaming their lungs away have also released entirely acoustic, somber albums
well, a lot is better than their first two punk albums, but few, if any, bands reach the intensity and mastery of Souls at Zero and everything after, which are all essential.

it's amazing that people can love Isis and the second rate Cult of Emo, yet dismiss the originators
J. said:
it's amazing that people can love Isis and the second rate Cult of Emo, yet dismiss the originators

Neither Isis nor CoL are Neurosis clones per se, yet you're right that it's incongruous at the very least to be an Isis-fan and not to give a shit about Neurosis
J. said:
well, a lot is better than their first two punk albums, but few, if any, bands reach the intensity and mastery of Souls at Zero and everything after, which are all essential.

it's amazing that people can love Isis and the second rate Cult of Emo, yet dismiss the originators

I agree 100%.

Isis is great, and Cult of Luna has their moments, but fags that only listen to Isis are completely showing their inbred colors. Neurosis is probably THE most important extreme band in the US since Metallica. Just look at the movement they started.
speaking of neurosis, ive already ordered the new red sparowes. hope it's a bit better than the debut, which was good, but lacking something.
J. said:
speaking of neurosis, ive already ordered the new red sparowes. hope it's a bit better than the debut, which was good, but lacking something.

Initial impression is that it's not as good as the debut, but it sounds like I liked the debut much more than you did/do.
new Red Sparowes destroys former Red Sparowes. And I loved the first one to begin with. "Every Red Heart..." is much much darker/sadder and manages to retain most of the tension of the builds/climaxes even amidst the soothing, low-fi parts. Astonishing album!
The only Neurosis I've heard is Through Silver in Blood. I've played it a few times, and it did nothing for me, so I'll admit I'm one of those fags who loves Isis but not Neurosis.

But I'm willing to spend more time with them, so is there a different one I should get next or should I just spend more time with this one?
Through Silver in Blood is probably the worst place to start :p

I suggest Souls at Zero first. Then Times of Grace & Enemy of the Sun. If you like the first most, try A Sun that Never Sets and The Eye of Every Storm (I consider these two apart for some reason, and not because they're the less heavy). Otherwise, give Through Silver in Blood more spins. There are 1,000 ways...

Remeber that each album is different so you might like one and really be bored by another.
Give neurosis more time. Not to cheapen Isis, but they are sooooooo much more easy-listening than neurosis. THey are like neurosis-lite, yet, like ellestin said, not a direct clone.

maybe try Times of Grace or The Eye of Every Storm
Ellestin said:
new Red Sparowes destroys former Red Sparowes. And I loved the first one to begin with. "Every Red Heart..." is much much darker/sadder and manages to retain most of the tension of the builds/climaxes even amidst the soothing, low-fi parts. Astonishing album!

I'll definitely give it more listens and withhold judgement until I know ERHSTtRS like the back of my hand. As an aside, some of you may be interested in the bands in this review thread I posted recently:
J. said:
it's amazing that people can love Isis and the second rate Cult of Emo, yet dismiss the originators

fucking amen reverend

isis bore the fucking tits off me
i don't think they are a bad band but Nuerosis are of another world

can't wait for the next album....a return to super heaviness supposedly
:rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass: :rock: :kickass: