These Guys Are Viking Metal, Right?

Oct 26, 2002
All of this Viking stuff, I think, is pretty cool. I don't know. I like that Thor, Odin, fantasy stuff.

I bought the CD, BLOOD FIRE DEATH by Bathory and it was quite an experience. Very eeire, dark, raw, and powerful.

I was also told that this group was also in the same area of music. Is this so?

Amon Amarth seem pretty cool and most of the Scandinavian metal bands kick so much @$$! These guys would be worth getting into, right?

Thanks to all...
these guys overtook my ears within a matter of days when my first amon amarth experience was with the crusher album, then i got once sent from the golden hall and finally, i got versus the world, although i have yet to have the avenger, i know its going to be mines really soon b/c i heard all i need to hear to know this will be a good album. anyhow's, amon amarth is a band definitely worht checking out they have their own sound, plus they are really cool guys.
Well, if by "Viking metal" you mean a sound like Månegarm, Enslaved, Thyrfing, Bathory etc. then naah. AA are much more rooted in Death metal! But the whole concept of the band lies in Viking mythology/life and iT kicks ass...
Please, don't listen to this "Rainbow" guy. I've seen him on other boards...and he gets irritating. He's not showing it now (Hail Odin) but we'd be asking the admins to hit the ban button if he was.

Patric got it 100% right. But I had Once Sent..., The Avenger, and the Crusher and listened to them a few times and couldn't get into them. It took Fireborn to cover Victorious March to get me into them. \m/
burning creation said:
I listened to the crusher once and decided to get into the religion...I was originally a scientologist...and that shows how fucking amazingthis band truly is.

You're practicing Asatru now?
Would you call Nevermore "power metal"? I hear a lot of thrash in them, dude. The bottom line is that they rule supreme.