These ppl at my house are saying...

i hate all these bands that deny christianity, but advocate satan and the devil. . .

how gay, if you don't believe in god, how can you believe in the devil?

it's just fakery

It is obviously fakery alot of the time but bands don't do it because the believe in satan and not god they do it to appear to be rebelious and to act 'hard'.
Where the hell did you get those pictures,Narrot?I haven't told you the website:lol: !
Um...a burning sensation,Question? ?...thanks for sharing.:rolleyes: But,yeah,I feel wierd every time I'm in a church,too.And it's more than just weird...I start to feel physically ill,kind of like how I did last year whenever I wore something that wasn't black(I swear,that happened).I guess it's bringing back memories of all the years in a Catholic school where religion was the longest class of the day and where we had hour long mass in a cold,dark church every Friday.So that means that I did actually go to church for quite a long time...but not voluntarily.I feel sick whenever I see one of those religious programs on tv and I hear all of those ppl singing hymns and the priest talking about how great god is and all of this brainwashed ppl looking so complacent and totally believeing everything they hear and little children younger than my brother and sister who are being raised on this shit and will never be able to believe differently.
what can I say - I´m sooo glad i don´t live in the states ... and wasn´t raised there! your religious TV there would´ve turned me into a madman within a week :mad:

but let the others be the ones confronting u with their unbelief ´bout your unbelief haha its always the same with these religious ppl they´re sooo fanatic .. u know theres only christianity and nothing else .. the ones who are not are to be feared/burned/... :Puke:
feared/burned/...alienated...yeah,pretty much.Religious hipocrisy.The god of theirs tell the minions to "love eveyone and forgive eveyone for their sins"...except for the athiests,the Satanists,the heathens and pagans and gays and abortionists or whatever their "Almighty Dictator" tells them to hate next.I think that,pretty much,the stories of God and Jesus were the first examples of fascisim.
You know how to use search engines,Narrot?That's nice,so do I...what does this have anything to do w/the subject of...whatever it is?
There were actual palms on Palm Sunday?What is the perpose of Palm Sunday,anyway?It's the punch line of a joke that I know...but it doesn't have a real perpose.Ppl make up lots of religious holidays that are totally meaningless,don't they?
i understood the hidden message in yer topic:

These ppl at my house are sLaying

who did they slay? you should go to the police....

because the world knows....i gave he pics to my teachers...the liked it, especially the one with the budgie :lol: