These ppl at my house are saying...

Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot

NoLordy wants us to endorse his religious beliefs,does he?:lol:

Wow,ledamg,those Jehovah's witnesses must've been really offended by the sight of you naked.You do some seriously mental stuff,man.You've got issues...or you're just a crazy hillbilly:D

Okay,I "don't want to be raped by the light of Christ"...that actually makes a lot of sense.

I do have some issues hahahah.

But they dont make me go naked hahaha.

Actually, i dont feel comfortable naked in front of ppl, i feel, ...well..NAKED gaggahahahhagaga.

SOmetimesi just do things that are crazy at the spur of teh moment you know hahahha.

The thing is, my yard is way off the road, and you cant even see my house from the road, so its common for me to go outside like that. ITs a wake up call to go outside as soon as you get up.

The Witenesses, well, i was pissed. I had told them off, all but threatened them, and they just kept comin back. I saw ppl go answer the door naked on th emovies, and i thought "hell yeah, thats the ticket, ill just go to the door in the buff.....". IT was embarrassing as hell, dont think it wasnt. My thingy was normal as i was on my way to the door, and then he kinda crawled up in there so to speak as i opened the door and realized i was beyond the point of no return hhahahahha,
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
LOL!!!!!!!! thats great, i wonder what was goin thru his head seein u in small purple underwear LOL

Well, it embarrased him as bad as it did me hahahah.

At first i tried to hide my parts you knwo, then i was just like "what the fuck, im embarassed enough, just act normal, act as if nothing is wrong" SO, i did, he said "Im checking your meter". I said "hey man, whats going on, nice morning hey.". And i walked back in the house hahahah.

I ahev more of these stories too. My wife locked me outside naked once. hhahahahah
You don't like being naked in front of ppl,ledmag,but you play lots of weird spur of the moment "jokes" that involve you getting naked...huh?But since you live in the backwoods of Kentucky and your house is far off of whatever dirt road,I guess you don't really have any hang ups about anyone seeing you naked.Start a thread of your stories about being naked,why don't ya?:lol: :rolleyes:

and,btw,I still don't want to be raped by the light of Christ...
I think I'll make that my signature...seriously:D
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
You don't like being naked in front of ppl,ledmag,but you play lots of weird spur of the moment "jokes" that involve you getting naked...huh?But since you live in the backwoods of Kentucky and your house is far off of whatever dirt road,I guess you don't really have any hang ups about anyone seeing you naked.Start a thread of your stories about being naked,why don't ya?:lol: :rolleyes:

and,btw,I still don't want to be raped by the light of Christ...
I think I'll make that my signature...seriously:D


yeah, im wierd hahahah

My road used to be gravel, but it got black top, i was gald.

Yes, i live around 20 miles from the county seat.

The thing is, ive done that shit a few times, and it always seems like a good idea at first, and for some reason my adrenilin gets pumping and i lose the fear and just go for it, and then at the last moment, the fear, it comes back ahhahahahahahha.

Im not ashamed of doin that stuff though, its just things that i have done, by mistake or on purpose hahahahha.

But, i do like being naked together with females hahahaha.

The thing when my wife locked me out naked was:

We were playing around just before i was getting in the shower, and then she got mad, and i didnt know it for real, and she grabbed the hair brush and chased me with it, gonna hit me you know hahah. So living where i do, i ran out the door naked, laughing you know. Then, instead of chasing me, she locked me out. Thats when i realized that she was pissed hahahhaah.
Anyway, i was out there naked and bare foot for around 10 minutes begging to come back in hahahha, she refused to let me in saying shit like FUCK YOU and stuff,,hahahha. So, i got pissed and kicked the fucken door before i realized i had no shoes on hahahahah. The door swung open, and there i was naked, screaming, cause my fuckin foot was hurting hahahha.

you wnat more stories? hahahah

I stole it from Hunter S. Thompson. He is the real God.

It works good if you say it like this.


Its like Ye fucking Gods, and other shit statements like that.

I hate the one bejesus. WHat the fuck is BEJESUS?
Sorry as I am sure many of you know this, but the raped by the light of christ is a song by At the Gates. It's pretty much the best At the Gates song in my opinion, brutally beautiful. I just was thinking about this whole acceptance of jesus issue, because Billy Graham is holding a big revival in town, and random people were telling me to go, and that billy would change my life.