things you hate with a passion

Straight-line winds. Expect self-explanatory pictures to follow in the daylight. Subsequently I'll be calling out of work and playing lumberjack for the weekend. What an excellent excuse to buy some sharp new tools though. :cool:

I'm currently eying up:


My friend is trying to get me into free running so this stuff is good to know.

Edit: I hate when I'm shopping for stuff online and no matter how many reviews I look into, I can't find the bit of info I'm looking for.

It's nice that the Bugera Nuke has 1800 watts per side output stereo. Really, it is. But that info is useless to me if I don't know the OHM's. I don't have a 2 OHM cabinet...
Landing stiff-legged from more than five feet up is just gonna fuck you up.

I was drunk as fuck when I was in Charleston, SC one night. We were in a beer garden and getting ready to leave.
To the left was a nicely lit up parking lot that had to be only a 3 foot drop.
Straight ahead was an alley of darkness. Couldnt see a damn thing.
Thinking it too must have been only a 3ft drop, I jumped. I hit the ground so fucking hard. Land solely on the heal of one foot. I looked up and saw that it was not a 3ft drop. It was fucking 12ft!!!
I couldnt walk for over a month. Holy shit it sucked.
I really fucking despise the fact that it is "cool" for black metal bands to records what would be awesome music in shitty quality.

Fuck KVLT and all of that, record it properly so we can fucking enjoy the music you irritaing corpse paint wearing pricks!