Thinner picks are better?

Jazz III Carbon and Jazz III XL
Rio Pecos 0,96
a few Galli and Kashos

I switch picks a lot, makes me play differently and helps me to separate multiple guitar tracks going on at the same time at the source.
Picked up a snarling dogs brain pick .53 and hated it. Just reminding myself how much I hate thin picks. :lol:

There is a 1mm brain pick that was tolerable though, doesn't flex much though. Tried a dunlop nylon .60 and hated that too. Then I have a clayton usa (???) .63 that is kind of shaped similar to a jazz 3 but more elongated. Hate that as well.

The Petrucci Jazz 3 pick looks really nice though I'm gonna check that out. I recorded some chuggy shit and liked the way thicker picks sound so I guess I'm not getting what you guys have boners for. :lol:
I think I might pick up some of those ^ But they are more then a dollar each


11,85mm - $35

I think Jazz III carbon fibers are perfect. I use Dunlop Tortex sharps 1.0mm for bass because I like my sound a bit more pick-attack-y. I don't like thin picks, personally. I don't like how they sound or how they feel.

… Well, maybe when playing acoustic. I don't own an acoustic, though.
heavy electric: Jazz III - will need to have a look at the Tortex III if so many of you use that, but don't seem to have a source locally
bass: Lemmy signature - converted from a big stubby which is double the thickness, so the logic could well apply to the first point
acoustic: nylon .38
So I tried playing with a thinner pick for the first time today (tortex 0.50) and it was surprisingly fun to play with. It didn't feel as accurate when playing fast leads, although it was the standard tortex shape not TIII so that may had something to do with it. The tone differences are more evident than I usually notice between other picks, but then again .50 is pretty extreme compared to everything I've tried so far so I guess it was to be expected.
Having said that, I wouldn't say it's better or worse than thicker picks, I guess it depends on what you want to play. Personally, it doesn't make me want to give up thicker picks but there's no pick that I'm sold 100% with anyway, I change all the time, so I plan to order more of them in TIII and tortex sharp shapes and maybe a little thicker (.60 and .73) to experiment with.
Fuck all dat! :) V-picks medium pointy 2.75mm here. I don't like flex. It doesn't cover up shit. This fellah agrees with me:

love Guthrie! PG uses what i believe is similar to the .60 tortex pick. just goes to show its not always the pick as both guitar players are the best at what they do.

i just got 20$ worth of TIII picks ranging from .50-.88. i usually use the green regular tortex but i didnt like the green TIII. really like the .75 yellow TIII! havent tried the .50s yet but i think it will be better for strumming chords and such so ill keep em handy.
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Update. I settled on the Tortex TIII .60 as being the best but now after playing them for a while I've noticed that after you start playing they warm up in your hand and go a bit softer which feels too soft to me. The .73 doesn't have this problem as much.