This guy fucking LOVES me!

Except Paul Kuhr has better vocals than that annoying hack Sinatra.
Although when it comes to sheer style few can match Frankie.
New album rules by the way.
Subject: So I was wondering...
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:31:37 -0500

>I saw a pic of you. Your beard reminds me of 70's porn vagina.
>Are you perhaps mensturating when you write your reviews? It would
really explain the level of belligerence and the personal

>From: "George Pacheco" <>
>Subject: RE: So I was wondering...
>Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 04:41:10 +0000
>hey man. think whatever you like. i care not for the opinions of
>for your info, i actually dig the new SYL record. finally stopped
>ripping off fear factory and actually PLAYING the guitar for a
Hmm, who's opinion is likely to be more valued? The highly praised and respected Dan Swano's opinion shown by his input to the album, or Metal George's, a self-opinionated pompous idiot who can't recognize subjectivity from fact?

I know who's opinion I respect more!
Oded said:
Your wife listens to metal? What a lucky man! :tickled:

Mine listens to the most unbearable pop imagineable.
Several of her cds have gone 'missing', if you know what I mean.
This morning I snuck 'Into the Grave' into her player.
The divorce papers should be arriving shortly. :lol:

My soon-to-be ex thinks it's "unfeminine" to like the sort of music I listen to and that "real women" aren't into that sort of thing. So, this is music to my ears guys. :Spin: Have to use my headphones but there's also the bonus that it cuts out all the complaints too. :tickled:
Greg B. said:
Subject: So I was wondering...
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:31:37 -0500

>I saw a pic of you. Your beard reminds me of 70's porn vagina.
>Are you perhaps mensturating when you write your reviews? It would
really explain the level of belligerence and the personal

>From: "George Pacheco" <>
>Subject: RE: So I was wondering...
>Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 04:41:10 +0000
>hey man. think whatever you like. i care not for the opinions of
>for your info, i actually dig the new SYL record. finally stopped
>ripping off fear factory and actually PLAYING the guitar for a

Wow. "Finally stopped ripping off Fear Factory". Yet another ridiculous statement by this guy, it truly amazes me. To say "I didn't like them because their style was too much like Fear Factory for my taste" would be one thing, but George apparently is yet another one of these idiots who doesn't do his homework and realise that people like Devin T. have been working within the industrial-metal-rock genre for many many years, anyone who knows a goddamn thing or two about music would realise the differences between SYL and Fear Factory's writing and sound. It's again another generalization and presumptuous opinion that gets published and yet has little grounding in fact or real knowledge of the artists. Just like when he made his little comments about how he preferred the bands who did death/doom "the first time around".....stupid ass doesn't realise that we've been doing this since "the first time around" lol And much like the bands he mentioned in our review, we've developed and shown growth as well. Ah well, trying to argue with this guy about anything reasonable or intelligent is like trying to take a toy away from a helmet wearing short-bus riding twelve year old.....pointless.

By the way, I think SYL have always been inventive and talented, I think they stand on their own away from the pack, regardless of what some people have to say.
SYL always amazed me...the self-titled CD left a little to be desired, but still a damn good one nonetheless. Can't wait for Alien. And to say they ripped off Fear Factory....dude's got no clue what he's talkin about. Sure, they both have industrial touches to the music, but that's IT.

Besides, Ray Herrerra uses triggers. Think Gene does?? Hah! That man's brutal.
OPETH_DT said:
This guy is a fucktard.

I agree. He has no clue what he´s talking about. Should make reviews for bands like Gamma Ray, Hammerfall etc. :rolleyes:
i find it funny that he has no idea what he's talking about. and that he generalizes everything. i mean yeah for some people, like me, its hard to express exactly what you dislike about something or exactly what you like.
i mean how is paul a bad singer, i don't hear him going out of key/tune.
i think this guy just doesn't realize that ND have progressed, but not in the same way that MDB have done. MDB went more goth, ND went more death. as u said paul, this guy needs to do research BADLY.
btw did you ever think of mailing these sites and telling them about the shitty reviews, not shitty as in they suck, but shitty as in they don't represent the truth and/or show any knowledge of the band?
Actually, Dev openly admits to FF being a huge influence on the SYL sound for the first couple albums.
Also, I've seen Gene discussing his triggers before.
I actually quite like his style of writing...

Shame that it is mixed with such a closed mind, ignorance, elitism and prejudice.

You see, I am very new to Novembers Doom. In truth, I only heard of you with the post on Dan's forum and it was the connection with him and James Murphy that made me pre-order the new album. I AM SO FUCKING GLAD THAT I DID! I have now turned several new people onto the band and am awaiting the delivery of two more albums. So, I speak with very limited knowledge. Everyone here will know far more than me about ND. My opinions will count for nothing to some (especially in the group of Mongol George and his peers), it may be of interest to others to see what a long standing metal fan makes of the band on his inaugural journey.

Firstly, I am always intrigued by peoples' choices of self-labelling. In my experience, most of the people that call themselves "Metal" anything are trying to prove a point. This guy seems intolerant of anyone that does not pioneer a sound (in the public eye) and that anyone must lack musical vision or creativity if they are playing a similar style of music.

Secondly, as I am reasonably well versed in the ways of Dan Swanö, there area couple of extra points. He seems to hold the man in high regard, despite the fact that he wears his influences on his sleeve (or motivations if they are not influences). Dan is not the most serious of musicians on the planet, you can hardly call Bloodbath, Nightingale or Infestdead particularly groundbreaking or genre defining (unlike some of his output), but they are all fantastic. I also see a similarity in ND's vocal style as well with Dan's own death vocal...

Not sure what "certain age" some consider a respectable opinion (at 31, I am probably older than George). I enjoyed all the bands he namechecks, I enjoy most of the ones that he berates as well.

In short, I cannot see his review as anything more than a wasted opportunity that turned into ego-onanism, almost certainly resulting from some deep-rooted personal insecurity.

OK, now the difficult bit... considering this guy is such a prick, should I check out While Heaven Wept? I have "The Knowing" and "To Welcome The Fade" on order at the moment... any other releases that I particularly should check out first as a newcomer?

Finally, thanks to ND for posting on Dan's forum. It may have been ages later that I got round to checking the music out otherwise. Also, welcome to my decks... my small part of England is about to get a wakeup call.
Billy Steele said:
To be specific, the bassist Byron of Fear Factory used to do the bass for SYL. FF's old bassist Christian picked up the guitar after Dino got the boot, as he was a guitarist before he joined up with FF.

Well if we're being technical, not only is Byron still the bassist of SYL... he also co-manages the band.
AlexGuinness said:
should I check out While Heaven Wept?

Mr. Guinness, by all means, investigate While Heaven Wept.
If you enjoy the likes of Candlemass, very early Fates Warning, or Solstice, you'll have a vague idea of what they sound like. They're largely rooted in 'trad' doom. I rate 'em quite highly...