This guy fucking LOVES me!

Jim LotFP said:
Unhallowed's still going?

yeah, it's pretty cool actually. i beleive he's in the middle of making the new one now. it's mostly thrash bands and deathmetal bands. i did enjoy the exodus interview, i still haven't heard their newest cd. actually i havent heard anything from the since impact. though i used to love them on pleasures of the flesh.
dan of bereavement said:
I did go a bit overboard on my comments about him. He is a cool guy, and I have always liked him.

Wow. What a shame you felt the need to backstep. You obviously said what you said for a reason, and you should stand by it. If George was the coolest guy in the world to me in person, it would not change my opinion based on his unwarranted personal attacks that he released to the public. Basically then, he's cool to your face, and a cock behind your back? Around here, we call that a coward.
People like George try to pull this whole "hey man, it's cool, it's just my honest opinion, blah blah blah" bullshit, but see y'know that just doesn't work for me. Like I said before, we've received plenty of negative reviews before, that's just the way it goes....but he gets very insulting almost on a personal level, and that's not "creative journalism" or anything, that's just being a cock. Other people I know who've read that review have all basically said "man that guy doesnt just seem like he doesn't like the cd, he seems like he's got some personal problem with your band". Why should he have a personal problem with my band? Because we "offend" his good sense of musical taste because he's such a music lover? Horseshit, that's fucking retarded. Noone told him to listen to us, noone forced his hand to have to write about us, and it's not his "duty" to warn the metal world about how awful we are or anything! It's just a load of bullshit. If he wants to contribute something to the music scene, then he and his band should work hard on putting out quality music for people to enjoy, period. If that's his goal then more power to him. I'm just sick of how this fucking scene works, the metal scene is one of the most bickering, negative, subdivided fuckiing things I've ever experienced in my life. ND is five guys who are writing music and playing it because we're having fun....not to compete with MDB and Opeth and whomever the fuck else....not to try and get the best review ratings from a bunch of critics we'll never meet in person anyhow....not to try and make some grand fucking musical statement thats going to bring the doom metal scene to its's just five Chicago goofballs with some talent (yes we do have talent, sorry) that are trying to have fun playing music. And all this bullshit, these assholes with their opinions and everything who feel it necessary to cram their worthless opinions down mine and everyone else's throats, are just making us not enjoy playing anymore. Perhaps thats their goal, really....which is fine, but if you drive me to the point where I'm tired of playing this music anymore, you'd better be damn proud of yourselves, because I will then come and kick your fucking face in. What else do I have to lose?? lol

Dan, noone asked you to have to take a stand against him for what he said about us, and you're entitled to change your opinion or stance on whatever you want, that's cool man. Noone here is going to think lowly of you or your band for it, because you have every right to do so and you're a good person, so no worries.

Anyhow I am finally and surely done with this subject matter. It's over done anyhow. I don't need someone named Metal George or anyone else to tell me whether or not I'm talented or "worthy" enough to be doing this. I've wasted enough time and energy on this already.

First of all thanks for doing a great job on metal reviews! Your exploration of metal music universe has really opened my eyes to many great bands.

Based on your excellent review of November Doom's "Pale Haunt Departure" I practically RAN to the store to get my copy. You nailed it man, what an amazing album! While I was there I actually bought 3 copies for two of my other friends...

Thanks again!


the other george on there did our review.. it was a bit of a mixed bag, but not so bad..