This guy fucking LOVES me!

Yeah, Tom Phillips of WHW was in Solstice for a time.

Rumors of Solstice's reformation also had Mr. Phillips returning to the band, but I don't know this is true or not.
Oh, BTW... if anyone has a copy of the American death band Solstice's demo (1990-91 maybe?) ... I will pay cash and/or Usurper swag for it.
Probably one of the most underrated demos of all time.
Oded said:
I meant the English doom band Solstice, not the American death metal band of the same name.

In that case I shall definitely check them out.

Love them, Lamentations has been in my decks today already. Preferred the earlier vocalist though, but New Dark Age was still cool.

As for the other one, I think the 2 CDs that I have are the same album (stock copy and a promo). Would have to look to be sure though...
BalanceofPower said:
Fear Factory is much better now I think.

Kinda hard not to improve on their past efforts. They're famous largely in-part to Colin Richardson. They went downhill fast after they stopped working with him. The new album is good though. Burton Bell is a very underrated singer.

But, ya know what guys, I just gotta say....

I wrote for a "metal magazine" in college (who cares, right?) and I noticed that all of the "death metal" writers were always preoccupied with complaining about how bad the new Entombed was or how the new Hypocrisy was poorly produced or how the new Edge of Sanity had a crappy album cover... etc... and after a year of staff meetings and editing their work (yea, I was a 20 year old magazine editor - that's what I get for being a writing major), I came to a startling realization.

Most of these guys (I am generalizing, and it may have been an isolated case with my employer) act like parents at a little league baseball game. They project their own shortcomings and broken dreams onto those who either have what they want or have a decent shot at what they want - to be in a successful band.

Every single time a great new band came along (like Novembers Doom) they were quick to disregard them as unoriginal, technically imcompetant, infantile, etc., simply because they were doing what the reviewer dreamed of doing and couldn't. I saw it first hand.

It boils down to this, any idiot can register a spooky domain name and run a heavy metal "webzine". Any failed guitarist with a computer can claim to be a journalist, reviewing "epic cult black metal demo tapes" ... but until I hear him growling on a record receiving "10 out of 10" reviews from reputable music publications, he can fuck off.

mattcira said:

Go RED Sox! :tickled:
Winning the World Series was great and all, but for me, beating the fucking Yankees--seeing the smug grins on those ugly faces turn into looks of terror--was the REAL victory.

So much for the self-appointed greatest city in the world!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oded said:
Go RED Sox! :tickled:
Winning the World Series was great and all, but for me, beating the fucking Yankees--seeing the smug grins on those ugly faces turn into looks of terror--was the REAL victory.

So much for the self-appointed greatest city in the world!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
AMEN TO THAT!!!!!! :headbang:
No publicity is bad publicity.

People like the music for why they like it, as well as people writing music for how they want to write it. People don't think of genres when writing, nor do people think of genres when listening.

The word will get out, but it takes time. ND is a great band, so it will get out. I'll throw up a couple of posts on Sonic Cathedral, too.
Larry: Well, from what Byron's said in inties . . . neither band really wants to make him choose and they try to book tours accordingly. So right now while SYL's touring, FF's recording. Then they're going to try and do a tour together sometime around september.
Other than that... I know By doesn't want to quit SYL. Maybe he might've hinted at it in the best but he's really happy w/ Alien and if the dude was going to drop out I think he'd have done it last week. Dude sounded uber-stressed beyond belief.