THIS MIX IS DRIVING ME FUCKING CRAZY!!! (metalcore, 6505+krank and all that jazz)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
I'm going fucking nuts here!!
been fighting this mix for some time now andf I just can't tell anymore what I don't like about it.

twas a tough job, so some salvaging involved....
PLEASE don't tell me you hate the singer/song's not my band and I can't change anything about the music/players etc, just asking about the mix here:)

sooooo here we go:


this is the first version I wanna show the band, no/little automation etc so far...
The plan was to have it more fat and chunky than clear and clean (band likes the sounds of KSE, PWD, KSE, August BR etc)

please lend me your ear and tell me what you think about the mix (not music/performance)


Hey Lasse.

Sounds good for the style!. For my taste the snare is a bit dark, but is only my taste and I´m a retarded one :)
I would bring the vocals a bit up, just a tiny bit. Sometimes it seems that
the guitars are eating everything to me O: But sounds nice indeed! (y)
I'd also turn the vocals up a little (or maybe it's more about automation, the volume is ok in other parts), and I'm not a huge fan of the kick sample, but that's just personal preference.

Overall I think it sounds great :)
Guitars still dominate everything imo
You really got a singnature sound going on in your guitars Lasse!
Drums sound good to me
Guitars sound a bit "forced" if you needed to force them a lot to sound like that
The sound tight in a cool way, yet theres some freqs that annoy me I think...
kicks ass otherwise

the refrain is quite cool
to my ears vocals sound out of place, as everything seems very polished, but not those vox....
id try some extreme widening (split harmonizer) and high end /shimmer there, so they really cut through.
those cymbals are a little too agressive in relation to the vox, its really hard listening to the mix without
wanting to turn the whole thing up and down at the same time ;-)
turn it up for more vox and turn it down because of the cymbals. so personally id work on that,
and youll have a cool mix.
bt. like the guitars!
yeah, the vox are giving me a hard time, he's singing like an octave above his natural range....
I'll turn the cymbals and guits a bit down.
is it just me or is there a very unsettling unbalance with the guitars? I feel like the left side is MUCH more guitar heavy, it sounds weird, I think I notice it mainly in the beginning
first off great job, I think the guitars are so thick everything else cant breathe. are you using a high or low pass at all? start with one track on each side then bring your quad tracking in as your ears tell you. What did you use on bass it sits very nice and the tone is legit!!!
Yeah, guitarist sat next to me when I reamped....
Now the first point on their list is "guitars need to be fatter, bassier and louder"
I fucking hate the whole thing and would like to start over from scratch again.
Will post an update soon
I don't think it's bad at all. To be completely honest, I think how the mix sounds has a lot more to do with what you can get out of the song (as in how the song is written and arranged) than the mix itself. I might be talking out of my arse here, but I've noticed some songs just have more potential in turning into absolutely killer mixes while others will always have a kind of a weird feeling to them. In this case, the song feels like all the elements are a bit separated from each other, and I think a lot of it has to do with the drums. The drummers use of cymbals and cymbal accents is especially a bit strange to my ears and IMHO it takes away from the wholeness and flow of the song.

Purely mix-wise, I think the kick is just a tiny wee bit too up front in some places. That's all :)
I don't think it's bad at all. To be completely honest, I think how the mix sounds has a lot more to do with what you can get out of the song (as in how the song is written and arranged) than the mix itself. I might be talking out of my arse here, but I've noticed some songs just have more potential in turning into absolutely killer mixes while others will always have a kind of a weird feeling to them. In this case, the song feels like all the elements are a bit separated from each other, and I think a lot of it has to do with the drums. The drummers use of cymbals and cymbal accents is especially a bit strange to my ears and IMHO it takes away from the wholeness and flow of the song.

Purely mix-wise, I think the kick is just a tiny wee bit too up front in some places. That's all :)

absolutely, a great song will always mix itself.
thats why mixing classical music is simple,
its already pre-mixed in the composers/arrangers head.
a great band or a great producer will always try his/their best
in that regard, thats why clas mixes sound stellar :
he works with the best bands and producers on this planet. (and he
has all the nice outboard haha)

if a mix is not working, it might be the guitars, the snare OR the vocal sound or whatever... but in 9 out of 10 songs, the problems are found in the arrangement.