This Website Is Awful

SculptedCold said:
imo death is much more 'extreme' than black. you can argue as to which genre is thematically more extreme; satanism/paganism/nihilism vs chaos/extreme violence/misanthropy, both are pretty much disturbing, but death metal is sonically far more demanding of the listener and far more technical. black metal generally relies too much on either symphonic melodies and soundscapes or simplistic/straightforward raw feeling....neither of which are very 'extreme'.

Parabolic said:
Do you people have any variation in your music tastes?? Or do you just like black/death metal? You're all full of shit.

Yes. We must listen to many, many genres. Big Brother says it is wrong, oh so wrong, to have narrow tastes in music. We must cram our CD racks with shit we don't really like or else the Eclecticism Police (Internet Discussion Forums Division) will be coming round to - uhmm - call us 'tr00', and...write strongly-worded letters of complaint about us...and...stuff.
Parabolic said:
Do you people have any variation in your music tastes?? Or do you just like black/death metal? You're all full of shit.
I don't like black metal. I like a bit of death metal but not too brutal. My tastes actually lean more towards more melodic genres (like power, prog and old school thrash metal). In addition I also like alternative and pretty much all types of rock music, not necessarily metal.
Parabolic just posted shit and gone. He's of that motherfuckers that come to some forums or chats and post shit just to start anger. Faka!

Papa Roach
E-Z Rollers
(earlier) Therion
Chris Cornell
Clifford Gilberto
Amon Tobin
Katatonia(I just love them)
Paradise Lost
Technical itch
Parabolic said:
Do you people have any variation in your music tastes?? Or do you just like black/death metal? You're all full of shit.

let's see, variation. sinergy, amon amarth, symphony x, borknagar, arch enemy, evergrey, nevermore, soilwork, vehemence, testament, type o negative, and iron maiden. let's see if your post has the backing.

A: these are all of my fav bands, and of course, there's many more.

B: all of these bands have forums here in this fine website.

C: variation in this reply is beyond description in regards to who i have listed.

and finally, D: your a "D"umbass (i know, stupid, corny pun).

so please, go ahead and make your accusations, you jew, at least i have evidence to prove what i have said, rather than that pitiful excuse of a post you made.
Originally Posted by Parabolic
Do you people have any variation in your music tastes?? Or do you just like black/death metal? You're all full of shit.
The name of the site says UltimateMetal you dumbshit. Are you just a stupid no nut needle dick that says something and runs away or really a closet Brittany Spears or Christina Agulara fan that feels threatened by fans of other types of music? Get a life ya loser!!
There are so many sub genres that it is hard to just say BLACK/DEATH METAL,

I like alot of:

Female Singers in Metal (Therion, The Project Hate, Nightwish)
Some Hardcore
Some Industrial
Death Metal
Black Metal
All Melodic shit as well.