The creepiest metal riffs

Allthough my official nominée would be Black Sabbaths self titled title track of their first album. Very, very, very good and has creepy feeling to it. The riff that follows may also be one of the best riffs I have ever heard period!

In addition to what has already been posted from BAN and DsO:

Arkhon Infaustus - Annunciation's "God Will Not Forgive"
Diapsiquir - Virus STN's "Diapsiquir"
Funeral Mist - Maranatha's "Blessed Curse"
Amok - Necrospiritual Deathcore's "Goatflesh Removal (Gloria in Excelsis Deo)"
It took me years to realize the evil contained in the pre-solo riff/melody thing in Iron Maiden's Still Life.
I just read this again and lol'd hard. Dude, the OP is like a level 1 Rogue and me and ASD r fukin level 70 paladins!


Allow me to also mention anything by Esoteric, with emphasis on the 20 minute evilfest "Circle," in which the incredibly simple funeral doom riffs are highly accentuated by the impossibly ear-piercing shrieks.
The first riff:

The whole song, but I especially like the riff at 2:45:
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