Three Bands You May Not Know But Should

Nice article, and some interesting choices. One point - I doubt Jex Thoth being on a small label is hurting their acceptance. For the people into that scene it's probably a badge of honor.

OK, my three, mostly off the top of my head:

Free Spirit - I think I linked to them on the melodic rock/AOR thread, but they're one of the best new melodic rock bands I've heard in recent years, and their music has some depth and creativity. Their second release *should* be out this year, and with luck it will be the breakthrough the band deserves.

Bullet Lavolta - Jeremy turned me on to this band several years ago, and it still amazes me how ahead (or outside) of their time this rock/punk/hardcore(?) band was. Talk about a square peg. Anyway, Swandive is a perennial dollar bin resident, so next time you run across a copy brush the dust off and take a chance on it.

Bloodrock - Somehow this heavy '70s band got written off as a Grand Funk Railroad copycat, but they had more to offer and a really interesting sound. Total heaviness though, and a good one to shuffle in with Uriah Heep and Atomic Rooster.
why thank you Sir.
Wow I thought we could have some fun with this topic but guess no one is interested.
Sure I think that the going un-noticed is a "badge off honor", will it usually is for those underground doomy bands. It is as if only being known by a couple of people makes them cooler bands or something. As if Bobby Liebling wanted to forever stay a cult hero.:rolleyes: Hell no that guy wanted to be has big as Plant.
But I do think being on a smaller label hurts them in getting more exposure... um, The Reticent.
BL is a good call, that band were great and should have gotten way more attention. The first night I heard them Pearl Jam and them were back to back on Headbanger's Ball. Well we know who became the biiger and still I scratch my head wondering why. Still the 90s you would think Levolta would have been threated better.
Bloodrock can certainly agree with. But as for Free Spirit they are great no doubt, but not different enough.
Still stuck with the iPad but here it goes:

Witch Mountain- Much like Jex Thoth (great pick J), this is a female fronted doom band. Uta Plotkin adds an element that many don't have, a unique and varied vocalist with a great sense of melody. Excellent, crushing songs round a fantastic band that is truly on the rise. Along with King Giant (another great current band), my album of the year 2012.

War Babies- Brad from TKO, his next attempt at success. While the general public did not recognize, I personally love the one album they produced. A lost classic IMO.

Shakin Street- Another female front band from way back (they were French I believe). Combing elements of punk, new wave and balls out rock, this band was overlooked and long forgotten. Axe Killer thankfully put out a box set with all their material. Essential stuff.

Hopefully the links work, not a huge fan of the typing from this iPad. Maybe you'll find something new. Cheers!:kickass:
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Nice article, and some interesting choices. One point - I doubt Jex Thoth being on a small label is hurting their acceptance. For the people into that scene it's probably a badge of honor.

OK, my three, mostly off the top of my head:

Free Spirit - I think I linked to them on the melodic rock/AOR thread, but they're one of the best new melodic rock bands I've heard in recent years, and their music has some depth and creativity. Their second release *should* be out this year, and with luck it will be the breakthrough the band deserves.

Bullet Lavolta - Jeremy turned me on to this band several years ago, and it still amazes me how ahead (or outside) of their time this rock/punk/hardcore(?) band was. Talk about a square peg. Anyway, Swandive is a perennial dollar bin resident, so next time you run across a copy brush the dust off and take a chance on it.

Bloodrock - Somehow this heavy '70s band got written off as a Grand Funk Railroad copycat, but they had more to offer and a really interesting sound. Total heaviness though, and a good one to shuffle in with Uriah Heep and Atomic Rooster.

You like BULLET LAVOLTA?!? Holy crap!! I am shocked by that one. Great band.
Anybody remember Lucy Brown? Funk/Metal band on the (then) newly established Madonna label, Maverick Records. Yeah, they were her first(?) signing, or 2nd. They had released a video for their single, which got some MTV exposure.
Anybody remember Lucy Brown? Funk/Metal band on the (then) newly established Madonna label, Maverick Records. Yeah, they were her first(?) signing, or 2nd. They had released a video for their single, which got some MTV exposure.


Yup, interviewed them back in college. nice guys. also, this one was on Megaforce. Don't think they ever signed to Maverick.

Yup, interviewed them back in college. nice guys. also, this one was on Megaforce. Don't think they ever signed to Maverick.

of course HAHA

You like BULLET LAVOLTA?!? Holy crap!! I am shocked by that one. Great band.

Hell I was surprised when I found out you were into them Matt, but I did not know back then you own every album ever. Still for a while there I was starting to think I was imagining them cause I knew know one who knew that band. HAHA
Still stuck with the iPad but here it goes:

Witch Mountain- Much like Jex Thoth (great pick J), this is a female fronted doom band. Uta Plotkin adds an element that many don't have, a unique and varied vocalist with a great sense of melody. Excellent, crushing songs round a fantastic band that is truly on the rise. Along with King Giant (another great current band), my album of the year 2012.

War Babies- Brad from TKO, his next attempt at success. While the general public did not recognize, I personally love the one album they produced. A lost classic IMO.

Shakin Street- Another female front band from way back (they were French I believe). Combing elements of punk, new wave and balls out rock, this band was overlooked and long forgotten. Axe Killer thankfully put out a box set with all their material. Essential stuff.

Hopefully the links work, not a huge fan of the typing from this iPad. Maybe you'll find something new. Cheers!:kickass:

I saw Witch Mountain a few months ago with Castle. Went in knowing WM and not Castle, came out liking Castle more. I do enjoy WM more so on album than live or was it the other way around, um? Pretty cool guys though hung out with them for a while in this indie punk rock record store they played in. Come to think of it, it was kind of a crappy show in ways too; terrible sound, cold and cramped in that room, had not been to a show like that since my teens.
War Babies now that was a good album, still is actually. I think it went virtually unnoticed because it was just the wrong timing. And War Babies certainly had no chance coming out of Settle.
Shakin' Street is pretty good stuff, I have the albums myself but not sure how big that appeal could have ever stretched over a mass audience.
I saw Witch Mountain a few months ago with Castle. Went in knowing WM and not Castle, came out liking Castle more. I do enjoy WM more so on album than live or was it the other way around, um? Pretty cool guys though hung out with them for a while in this indie punk rock record store they played in. Come to think of it, it was kind of a crappy show in ways too; terrible sound, cold and cramped in that room, had not been to a show like that since my teens.
War Babies now that was a good album, still is actually. I think it went virtually unnoticed because it was just the wrong timing. And War Babies certainly had no chance coming out of Settle.
Shakin' Street is pretty good stuff, I have the albums myself but not sure how big that appeal could have ever stretched over a mass audience.

Funny, I almost posted about Castle. Great band, love their latest album.

Yup, interviewed them back in college. nice guys. also, this one was on Megaforce. Don't think they ever signed to Maverick.

OMG, you would be the ONE person on here to know who that fucking band was! I thought I had everyone stumped w/that one, ha! Didn't know WHY I had it in my head they signed to Maverick. I remember them sounding like a cross between Living Colour and Body Count.
It is, and they are pretty cool guys too. I recently helped them with some shows in NC and if things workout them and Dogbane may do some stuff later in the year.

Please let me know if they come anywhere close to NC. Love to see them live.
Bride: I'm terrible at band descriptors so, just listen to them! First 3 albums are stupid good:

Enochian Crescent: Finland, Black Metal (Not of the lo-fi variety)

Fracture [Noway]: Couple of guys from Source of Tide, 1 from Fimbulvinter and 2 others.

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