Three Bands You May Not Know But Should

It's probably impossible to come up with something you guys have yet to hear. These are three I love though and that get far too little attention as far as I am concerned.

TERRORAMA: Blackened thrash from Sweden. Very raw and uncompromising. Sounds a lot like some forgotten 80s band from Poland or Czechoslovakia.

ANTICHRIST: Probably my favourite of the new thrashbands.

MOONSORROW: Hardly an underground band in Europe at least but this is my fave band of all time, all categories. I first got into them when I reviewed their 2nd demo in 1999. I managed their official websites from 2000 and until last year. I'm also included on backing vocals on their "Kivenkantaja" album! Proudest moment of my life, aside from my daughter's birth :p

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Son of a bitch. I'm way outta the loop for live shows. We need a thread to post show info.:yell:

It may not be entirely a thing of being "outta the loop", club never promote outsiide the clubs, bands rarely promote either, so...
We just happened to be walking on the street the record store is on that they played at when we saw a flier. As for the gig in G'boro well yeah you never is promoting for that place or the bands that play their.