Throat problems (not another "how to growl" thread)

Hey. Any vocalists here ever have a period of a week or so in which you can't scream or growl for shit? I've been doing this vocal style for a good two years without ever having any throat problems, and all of a sudden I just wake up one morning and my throat's all fucked up. I'm using the same exact technique as always, but it feels like the air just isn't going where it's supposed to, and it sounds pretty wretched for both high and low growls. I can still speak perfectly fine, and there's no pain when I growl, it just sounds shitty. Anybody else ever have this problem, and if so, what did you do about it? Just wait it out? That's pretty much my plan for now, and if I still can't growl in another week or so, then I'll start getting worried. Thanks in advance for any responses.
Yeah, sometimes I sound all black metal- can't get a decent rasp low or high and it feels like it's hitting the wrong portion of the throat. My guess is the voice just gets tired. It will pass but when it does, try to get that sound anyway so you can feel the difference. I can usually work past days like that now with a bit of extra air and a good warmup. mayhem esque vocals are definitly not a good thing.
A Dying Breed said:
Hey. Any vocalists here ever have a period of a week or so in which you can't scream or growl for shit? I've been doing this vocal style for a good two years without ever having any throat problems, and all of a sudden I just wake up one morning and my throat's all fucked up. I'm using the same exact technique as always, but it feels like the air just isn't going where it's supposed to, and it sounds pretty wretched for both high and low growls. I can still speak perfectly fine, and there's no pain when I growl, it just sounds shitty. Anybody else ever have this problem, and if so, what did you do about it? Just wait it out? That's pretty much my plan for now, and if I still can't growl in another week or so, then I'll start getting worried. Thanks in advance for any responses.

Well, I'm not a vocalist but the vocalists in the bands I've been in pretty much tell me that sometimes they'll just wake up and their vocals will be off. Usually they run through some vocal exercises to get their throat in order and if that doesn't work usually they just stop for the day (if its a gig then you have to rough it and just deal). It could be that you're coming down with a cold or something like that.
I usually have that when i have a cold or something like that, maybe thats the problem, maybe not.......

sorry if i didn't help much