Yes, and after you said that you referenced ME hijacking this, using deductive reasoning, I reasoned that combining said post with what I posted was a reference to me. This isn't quantum physics here.
As I was reading your post, I was
almost going to apologize to you because if you feel you didn't unleash all those spears at me, then I had no reason to retaliate.

"i love how you lefties attack anybody who doesnt say what you want to hear, but if that person strikes back, all of a sudden, you're the injured party."
YOU COULDN'T HELP YOURSELF, COULD YOU? Since when am I a "lefty"? I guess people who don't fit into your small little box of thinking automatically become lefties.
I'm not going to attack you or anything, but do you see how you contradict yourself? However, I'll go ahead and bite the bullet because this whole thing is so fucking stupid that it's beyond my comprehension. So, I'll be the first to apologize for misinterpreting your thread. But a word to the unwise: blanket inflammatory statements such as yours belong in the ill-fated Seriously Off Topic forum, and there was a reason it got the ban hammer.