Not quite done yet...
I just don´t get wrestling at all. A lot of them seem very well-trained and they do some spectaclular balance acts and jumps but the so called fighting... they do the opposite I learned when I trained martial arts.
Standing in front of an opponent with their backs turned, kick when they´re out of balance and let the other guy grab them without fighting back. That´s what makes it lame for me, grown men and women pretending to be angry and hostile and then put on a balette show in speedos.
The guy I tipped about AnthraX when I was in Norway was a huge wrestling fan and he showed me clips and I just sat there and shook my head.
I wanna know the deal about wrestling too. Wrestling fans, tell us more why you enjoy it.
Standing in front of an opponent with their backs turned, kick when they´re out of balance and let the other guy grab them without fighting back. That´s what makes it lame for me, grown men and women pretending to be angry and hostile and then put on a balette show in speedos.
The guy I tipped about AnthraX when I was in Norway was a huge wrestling fan and he showed me clips and I just sat there and shook my head.
I wanna know the deal about wrestling too. Wrestling fans, tell us more why you enjoy it.