TNA or WWE ?

I stopped watching all of it after the WCW-WWE-ECW combination happened. When Austin started the whole "What?" and talking to his watch thing I was done. It reached its pinacle just before that crap and I just dont see it ever reaching that level again. Maybe I am just too old to be into it and I am jaded. Who knows.... it just bores the shit outta me now.
I stopped watching all of it after the WCW-WWE-ECW combination happened.

McMahon's purchase of WCW and ECW could have created the most succesfull wrestling angle of all time in the Invasion. Unfortunately for the fans King Vince doesn't give two shits about what the fans really want. He could have easily relaunched ECW AND WCW 5 or 6 years ago, but he was more concerned with making his "competition" look bad and starting up a crappy football league!:rolleyes:
And I don't blame anyone for walking away at that time. The whole business was in the shitter and is still struggling to this day, all because of McMahon's ego!
McMahon's purchase of WCW and ECW could have created the most succesfull wrestling angle of all time in the Invasion. Unfortunately for the fans King Vince doesn't give two shits about what the fans really want. He could have easily relaunched ECW AND WCW 5 or 6 years ago, but he was more concerned with making his "competition" look bad and starting up a crappy football league!:rolleyes:
And I don't blame anyone for walking away at that time. The whole business was in the shitter and is still struggling to this day, all because of McMahon's ego!

I wonder who is getting the company when he dies?
I wonder who is getting the company when he dies?

Shane and Stephanie are set to take over, with Shane running the behind the scenes business end and Stephanie handling the creative end...sort of like it is now, just without Vince getting the final word on things. At least, that seems to be the plan.
ANybody HAve A FAv. Wrestler?


TNA-Sabin,JJ,Sting(Got To love His Entrance Music)

Mick Foley will forever be the man. I never gave a shit about actual ring ability. Purely watched for the soap opera and insanity. Foley is Good!
Mick Foley will forever be the man. I never gave a shit about actual ring ability. Purely watched for the soap opera and insanity. Foley is Good!

I kind of feel bad for Foley, the guy busted his ass literally for years and whenever he makes a return to the ring, he's expected to take sick bumps. Then again, he made good money for it so I can't feel TOO sorry for the guy.