Tool or A perfect circle?

I don't know... do you?

Nah, when you said "it clicked" it reminded me of Schism's lyrics how "the pieces fit". Apparently I gave you too much credit. :p
Tool generally.
Though I like some APC tracks.
The hollow
The noose
The outsider

though those are the only APC tracks I like :-D
I actually don't really know anything by either band. Especially Perfect Circle is completely unfamiliar to me. As a progressive music fan... Should I check them out? Recommendations are welcomed.

Yes, if you're a progressive music fan I think you should check them out... I like Thirteenth step but Mer de noms is good too.
TOOL - Simply for the musicianship. There is no other band that is as tight as TOOL live. Opeth comes the closest, but Adam, Danny, and Justin were brought together by the spirit of all that is music to be a united force never to be equalled. APC is a side project.
TOOL - Simply for the musicianship. There is no other band that is as tight as TOOL live. Opeth comes the closest, but Adam, Danny, and Justin were brought together by the spirit of all that is music to be a united force never to be equalled. APC is a side project.

Sure, the musicianship cannot be denied. But side project or not, I think the songwriting in APC is better. They have different goals, I suppose, but APC's songs are catchier and less indulgent. Depends on what you like and your mood. I like both, but find myself listening to APC more. The wife prefers them, anyhow...
Both bands are dreadful. The only good thing about Tool is the drumming. DC is a machine.
APC never caught my ear. Tool is pretty damn good but I don't have them anywhere near hallowed status.

There is no other band that is as tight as TOOL live.

I've never been a huge fan, but I did see them open for Primus in about 1996. It was before I was listening to too much serious metal, and I was there on a head full of crazy acid, with only two thoughts able to burst through the cortex...."do these guys have to be so dark", and "man these f*ckers are tight".
Sounds like I'm fortunate to have not heard the most recent APC release ???
The other 2 albums were great.
Tool had 3 great albums IMO, so I'm in favor of Tool.