
We had a discussion earlier were I mentioned what a bad reputation Tool has. Since then, it has become even worse with the following addition:

A friend of mine watched them for a short while at the Roskilde festival, where the lead singer/guitarist(?) took of his shirt. Ok, that's nothing new. Then he took of his pants, and stood there in just underpants (briefs or boxers, the story doesn't tell). That's already pushing it. Then he fastens the mic-transmitter to the underpants so they almost fall off, and then I hear from someone else that he has been known to end up naked when playing live.

I don't mind nudity, but to parade your private parts so blatantly on a concert... Is that supposed to attract more audience or scare them away? Why would he need to lower himself to the rockbitch level if the music isn't horrible?

(I still don't know a whole lot about their music. ;P )
I definately like Tool, although I must admit the main focus of my appreciation focuses on their new album Lateralus, which is a departure in attitude from 1996's Aenima.

Tool's one of those bands that is always pushing the envelope (like Marilyn Manson, but usually sexual) but no one realizes it becauses of the ubiquitous double-entendres. I've never heard about Keenan's nudity, but it certainly seems plausible... Tool is strange but good.

Their music is excellent.... very complicated and constrasting: like Opeth, but without the death metal growls.

For instance, take their single "Schism"

It opens up with an acoustic passage in 4/4 time.

Then it begins a section of alternating 5/8 and 7/8 measures (with emphasis as 2-3/2-2-3) as a mellow, softer section. later, it becomes harder, and though it still stays with alternating 5/8 and 7/8 bars, the emphasis shifts to [3-2/2-2-3]

It really is a neat band.... very unpredictable, though.
the drummer, danney carey really adds to the comlex sound with his awesome drumming. the only thing i don't like is all the weird shit he does live. it doesn't seem to fit the artistic image tool has developed for themselves. they are very opeth like when you really think about it, just no death metalness.
Tool is highly intelligent and difficult as hell. I mean...I can get what Opeth is about. They're difficult, but not THAT difficult. But Tool...oh for fuck sakes. I don't remember a thing happening on Aenima, though I've owned it for about two years. And the new one! Aenima is nothing compared to it. I don't really find the words. It's not that I even like them THAT much. But I respect them, and Lateralus is a musical masterpiece. I could spend the next month listening to it and maybe then understand a piece of it. I've listended progressive music for years, as also played and written it myself, and still Tool is something that like flies over my brains.

And some people count them as nu-metal....jEeEz.
Just wanted to add, that Tool are fans of such music like progressive Rock from King Crimson and Metal from Opeth and other scandinavian bands like they said by themselves. :D

Opethoid Gentleman
i wouldn't call Tool aimless. you have to remember that Opeth comes from Scandanavia, where there is a standard of exellence for this sort of thing.

Tool comes from more alt.metal roots, and embrace concepts like "artistic noise." Tool doesn't necessarily have the flow or solid musical ground that Opeth does, but their songs do have a definate purpose and placement.
Tool is anything but aimless. They do have some progressive roots and influences. Musically speaking, their riffs are relatively simple, but it's the fusion of the guitar, bass, drums and vocals that create an overall impression. Nothing really takes centre stage at any time. They are, each one of them fantastic musicians in their own right. The way a Tool riff repeats over and over is VERY similar to Opeth. The difference is just the style of the riff.. Tool is more about chords than notes and melodies. The vocals take the melody in Tool music, where the notes carry as far in Opeth.

But Tool is every bit as aimless as Opeth is, that is to say not at all. All progressions are carefully metered and coordinated, nothing is random or uncertain.

Their live show is something completely different - and not something by which to judge the music on an album. I havn't seen Tool live yet, but I did see A Perfect Circle, whose vocalist is the same as Tool's.. and his stage persona is essentially the same (but he wears a long wig for APC, he's bald for Tool). He's flamboyant, usually wearing little to nothing, and that's how he performs. One APC show, he was ill and sang most of the show with his back to the audience - and people still loved it because the music is the star. That reminds me a lot of Opeth: not big rock figureheads, no pretentious egos - the music is the star, not the musician. They are merely sharing what they've created.

Tool is played as much as Opeth in my apartment. Easily tied as my favourite band. Many of Tool's fans (ones who actually do care about the integrity and emotion) are very similar to the people on this board, with equally complex thoughts and verbosity(neologism?). I identify with both, so I'm happy where I am.