haha actually death bearer i pretty much disagree with everything that youve said...firstly tool is not "nu-metal" i dont know who told you that, or you just thought that on your own. tool has been around since like 1992, and they have been progressive hard rock since the beginning. nu metal bands are like korn and linkin park etc. bands that often try to immitate a group like tool, but cant so they end up rapping. secondly, how can you label tool mainstream?? thats basically calling opeth mainstream, both bands have generally 8 plus min songs, and are not radio friendly. thirdly, comparing the "progressiveness" of the two bands is silly, they both have similar influences as far as 70's prog bands go, and i would say tool has the more original progressive sound...as no other band sounds like them, whereas any proggy type band in the death/doom metal genre whatever u want to call it, can sound more or less like opeth at times. as far as the aggressive music, melodic riffs, double bass goes etc. although of course not nearly as good : )...anyhow sorry to get off on a rant, but basically calling tool nu- metal is just so inaccurate...anyone with a basic knowledge of music can see that. you right im sure the nu-metal bands will die out eventually, but of course since tool came years before those bands, and are still going strong, theyll be around much longer.