opeth and tool

Originally posted by redreflection
Masters Apprentice....nice to see you realised the majority of stuff you have been saying is absolute shit. We could tell from the second you posted it.
Wow, it's like the little kid who backed out of a fight because he has no balls only to try and attack as soon as the other guy looks the other way.

The only thing I've said that's absolute shit is all the albums being the same, way to exaggerate there bud.

Waaaaaah waaaah, mommy he called me a bad name waaaaaaah.

Did you see any fucking name in that post, you dipshit?
I pretty much ignored your post altogether but thisone thing did amuse me. I wasn't actually crying about you calling me a name...I was mocking you for doing so. :lol:
Originally posted by deathbearer
Tool were NEVER a hardcore band..Tool were signed to major from the get go..I'm really surprised and shocked on how ignorant Tool fans are....-l-

Firstly I am not a Tool fan and if you were smart enough you would have gotten that from my first post. Comprehension is the key. Secondly, it is irreleveant that Tool is not a hardcore band, but they indeed did play at a predominantly hardcore show. This was a year before they released Undertow. I thought they were horrible then, I my opinion of them has never grown much since.
It is truly amazing how ignorant you guys are..Opiate was released BEFORE Undertow and Tool were NOT playing at small hardcore shows OR marketed to anything other than alternative/hard rock..Tool were on small pachage tours in support of Opiate..I find it hard to belive that Tool played some small hardcore show in Buffalo (I live in New York state) in support of Opiate..This is coming from the same fans who think that Deftones (dumb) are emocore..Hello!? Any musical knowledge or sense of history..Perhaps Tool played smaller venues on small metal tours in spoort of Opiate..Yes, you do have to make fun of TOOL fans who can't even figure the difference between metal/core, hardcore,emo core and nu metal..lol..lmao Are you fooled that Tool are a hardcore or is that as heavy as your musical tastes seem to get..I find it hard to belive that Tool played somne small hardcore show, maybe local hardcore bands opned for them, but during the relases of Undertow, America was just getting acclamated with Tool as they were on smaller package tours with bands of the like wise genre..It's amazing that SOME Tool fans lsiten to nothing but bands like them, with maybe the exception of Opeth (I bet after BWP), and with the excpetion of the dude who lissten to 80's thrash and commercial black metal (Dimmu Borgir) WHY do you guys think Tool are hardcore and the Deftones are emocore..WHY? Hails..-l-
I like Tool, but to me they can get a little boring at times. Some of their songs seem to drag on and on to me. With that said, I still do like them. I just like a lot of other bands a lot better.

Tool is Nu-Metal? LOL funny stuff. Linkin Park, Staind, etc...that's Nu-Metal trash. Not Tool.
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
I used to like Tool until I started listening to artists from the same genre like Radiohead and My Bloody Valentine

What the fucking hell?

In other news: Opeth, The Strokes, and Eminem are all the same genre of music.

Also after reading the rest of your posts MA its clear that you're nothing but a dickless moron who's parading around your "superior" taste in music to make up for your own insecurities. You try way too hard to appear intelligent and above it all when the fact is that, for the most part, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Radiohead, Tool and My Bloody Valentine all the same genre? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Moron.

Serious question: How old are you? 16?
>>In other news: Opeth, The Strokes--

A thousand curses upon you for even mentioning those two bands in the same sentence.

Although I'm impressed with the Strokes' abilitiy to write entire songs using only one note.
Originally posted by Vile1011
>>In other news: Opeth, The Strokes--

A thousand curses upon you for even mentioning those two bands in the same sentence.

Although I'm impressed with the Strokes' abilitiy to write entire songs using only one note.

I think you missed the joke.
Originally posted by Sacrilicious
What the fucking hell?

In other news: Opeth, The Strokes, and Eminem are all the same genre of music.

Also after reading the rest of your posts MA its clear that you're nothing but a dickless moron who's parading around your "superior" taste in music to make up for your own insecurities. You try way too hard to appear intelligent and above it all when the fact is that, for the most part, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Radiohead, Tool and My Bloody Valentine all the same genre? HAHAHAHAHAHA. Moron.

Serious question: How old are you? 16?
They're all prog-rock although Tool are more a combination of rock and metal, they are still prog-rock. So there you go, shitforbrains.

Oh and you question my age and you're calling me a "dickless moron" for having an opinion..wow, you sure showed me up there, ace.
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
Wow, it's like the little kid who backed out of a fight because he has no balls only to try and attack as soon as the other guy looks the other way.

Maybe... or perhaps he/she has an actual social life and other responsibilities outside of this message board that prevent him or her from responding every few hours to the tactless rants of individuals like yourself. ;)
Tool played at the Scrapyard on Main St. in Buffalo on Oct 21st 1991 (I still have the flyer for the show). They played with Slugfest (Buffalo Band), Support (Buffalo band with members later spiltting into Snapcase and The New Rising Sons), and Shelter. I don't care if you don't believe that Tool played a hardcore show. I was there. What purpose would it serve for me to make something like this up? But believe this, they stunk.
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
They're all prog-rock although Tool are more a combination of rock and metal, they are still prog-rock. So there you go, shitforbrains.

Radiohead and My Bloody Valentine prog-rock??


King Crimson is prog-rock. Early Genesis is prog-rock. Marillion is prog-rock. Gentle Giant is prog-rock. Early Yes is prog-rock. Rush is prog-rock. Prog-rock is NOT FUCKING RADIOHEAD AND FUCKING MY BLOODY VALENTINE YOU MORON. Sorry but name-dropping bands doesn't work when you don't know what you're talking about and someone else (me) does.

Good Christ, calling My Bloody Valentine prog-rock...

Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
Oh and you question my age and you're calling me a "dickless moron" for having an opinion..wow, you sure showed me up there, ace.

I didn't call you a moron because you have an opinion, "ace". I called you a moron because you are under the delusion that your opinion is better than anyone elses on here and that gives you the right to be an asshole to everyone who disagrees. Guess what though champ? Your opinion is just as stupid as my opinion and the opinions of everyone else on here, so please just shut the fuck up with your wannabe MENSA troll bullshit. I see right through this pathetic shit so give it the fuck up.

And you never answered me: How old are you?
Originally posted by Sacrilicious
Radiohead and My Bloody Valentine prog-rock??


King Crimson is prog-rock. Early Genesis is prog-rock. Marillion is prog-rock. Gentle Giant is prog-rock. Early Yes is prog-rock. Rush is prog-rock. Prog-rock is NOT FUCKING RADIOHEAD AND FUCKING MY BLOODY VALENTINE YOU MORON. Sorry but name-dropping bands doesn't work when you don't know what you're talking about and someone else (me) does.

Good Christ, calling My Bloody Valentine prog-rock...
My Bloody Valetine ARE prog-rock, just because they may not be AS prog-rock as bands like Gentle Giant and King Crimson doesn't mean they aren't prog rock. Just look at the progressive metal genre, a lot of people call Opeth and Porcupine Tree prog-metal, but other people as close-minded as yourself would disagree, such as fans of Ayreon, Rhapsody, Symphony X, Dream Theater and other fans of that particular branch of progressive metal. Progressive rock is equally as varied and if you're such an expert you calim to be, then you'd have realised that. My Bloody Valentine use guitars, they use drums and they use bass, otherwise known as the key ingredients to a rock band but they have progressed the style a great deal, therefor they are progressive rock.

And the fact you even doubted for a second that Radiohead are prog-rock just automatically shows that if anyone doesn't know what he's talking about, it's you.

I didn't call you a moron because you have an opinion, "ace". I called you a moron because you are under the delusion that your opinion is better than anyone elses on here and that gives you the right to be an asshole to everyone who disagrees. Guess what though champ? Your opinion is just as stupid as my opinion and the opinions of everyone else on here, so please just shut the fuck up with your wannabe MENSA troll bullshit. I see right through this pathetic shit so give it the fuck up.

And you never answered me: How old are you?
MENSA Troll? You have a fucking nerve..just read what you wrote above. I mean you typed in caps, called me a moron and used fucking way too FUCKING often and started spouting off your amazing ocean of knowledge to try and get one over on me. You are a hypocrite, I mean you are spreading your opinion in the same manner as I did, and you're gettign all pissed off and angry the same way I did - yet I guarantee you think you're fighting the good fight and are completely right in this whole thing.

Just because I patronise people does not mean I think I'm better than everyone else, I just use patrony as a technique in debating and like most people in this topic, I'm playing you like a fucking book..I patronise you by calling you "ace" and you reply like the predictable hothead that you are by calling me "champ" and also by cussing far more often and pulling out the insults.

Let me clue you up on something: when you debate with someone you are trying to win, you don't get all fucking humble and start with the "oh well thats your opinion and I respect it" crap, you just jump right in and give your two cents while trying to make your opponent look as stupid as possible. I'm sorry I had to break that to you but maybe it will help explain why my posts come off that way?

Oh and I'm 19.

By the way since we're asking personal questions which have no relevance to anything at all , what race and sex are you? And what is your address and shoe size? Favourite colour? Favourite type of anal lube?
Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
My Bloody Valetine ARE prog-rock, just because they may not be AS prog-rock as bands like Gentle Giant and King Crimson doesn't mean they aren't prog rock. Just look at the progressive metal genre, a lot of people call Opeth and Porcupine Tree prog-metal, but other people as close-minded as yourself would disagree, such as fans of Ayreon, Rhapsody, Symphony X, Dream Theater and other fans of that particular branch of progressive metal. Progressive rock is equally as varied and if you're such an expert you calim to be, then you'd have realised that. My Bloody Valentine use guitars, they use drums and they use bass, otherwise known as the key ingredients to a rock band but they have progressed the style a great deal, therefor they are progressive rock.

And the fact you even doubted for a second that Radiohead are prog-rock just automatically shows that if anyone doesn't know what he's talking about, it's you.

Hahaha, no you idiot. There's a difference between a band being progressive and a band being a prog-rock band. "Prog-rock" is a very specific genre name which refers to bands like those that I named. It refers to a very specific genre of music that My Bloody Valentine, Radiohead, and some may even say Tool do not fall under. If any band that is progressive is suddenly a prog-rock band then I guess The Ramones are a prog-rock band too. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
MENSA Troll? You have a fucking nerve..just read what you wrote above. I mean you typed in caps, called me a moron and used fucking way too FUCKING often and started spouting off your amazing ocean of knowledge to try and get one over on me. You are a hypocrite, I mean you are spreading your opinion in the same manner as I did, and you're gettign all pissed off and angry the same way I did - yet I guarantee you think you're fighting the good fight and are completely right in this whole thing.

The only reason I'm treating you this way is to give you a little taste of your own medecine. If I did this to everyone I disagreed with I'd be banned by now probably, but I only do it to you because you're an obnoxious dickhead.

Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
Just because I patronise people does not mean I think I'm better than everyone else, I just use patrony as a technique in debating and like most people in this topic, I'm playing you like a fucking book..I patronise you by calling you "ace" and you reply like the predictable hothead that you are by calling me "champ" and also by cussing far more often and pulling out the insults.


Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
Let me clue you up on something: when you debate with someone you are trying to win, you don't get all fucking humble and start with the "oh well thats your opinion and I respect it" crap, you just jump right in and give your two cents while trying to make your opponent look as stupid as possible. I'm sorry I had to break that to you but maybe it will help explain why my posts come off that way?

If the only way you know how to win a debate is ad hominem attacks then you lost a long time ago.

Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
Oh and I'm 19.

That's sad, I grew out of the "I'm smarter and better than everyone else" phase probably around 17.

Originally posted by Masters Apprentice
By the way since we're asking personal questions which have no relevance to anything at all , what race and sex are you? And what is your address and shoe size? Favourite colour? Favourite type of anal lube?

White male, rather not post my address for reasons even a simpleton such as you should understand, 11 1/2, don't have one, and I don't use anal lube, just because its a common fixture in your lifestyle doesn't mean it is in everybody elses.
Originally posted by Sacrilicious
Hahaha, no you idiot. There's a difference between a band being progressive and a band being a prog-rock band. "Prog-rock" is a very specific genre name which refers to bands like those that I named. It refers to a very specific genre of music that My Bloody Valentine, Radiohead, and some may even say Tool do not fall under. If any band that is progressive is suddenly a prog-rock band then I guess The Ramones are a prog-rock band too. :rolleyes:
Yes, because the godfathers of punk music are suddenly a rock band. Oh and rock bands who are progressive aren't prog-rock? Hah, you did know that prog-rock is short for "progressive rock" didn't you?

The only reason I'm treating you this way is to give you a little taste of your own medecine. If I did this to everyone I disagreed with I'd be banned by now probably, but I only do it to you because you're an obnoxious dickhead.[/b]
And did you ever think the only reason I acted this way is because Tool fans are fucking annoying little shits? If I acted this way to everyone I disagreed with I'd also be banned, did you even stop to think before you typed out that paragraph? If you did you'd have realised that not only are you behaving the exact same way you're criticising me for, but you're also a self-obsessed fool who cannot look at any other viewpoint but his own.

Yawn, standard caps + misquote someone Mensa Troll textbook technique #3429043.

If the only way you know how to win a debate is ad hominem attacks then you lost a long time ago.
If the only way you eat your chips is with tomato ketchup then you've already lost. What, that doesn't make sense? Bingo!

That's sad, I grew out of the "I'm smarter and better than everyone else" phase probably around 17.
Let me know when you turn 17.

White male, rather not post my address for reasons even a simpleton such as you should understand, 11 1/2, don't have one, and I don't use anal lube, just because its a common fixture in your lifestyle doesn't mean it is in everybody elses.
Wow, you actually answered..a bit slow on the uptake aren't you?