I desperately need Roots Thunder. How can I obtain it?
You don't really desperately need it, as I think you'd be disappointed by it. If you want the mp3s because you cannot find it (trust me, it's hard to find), I can send you 'em + even his first demo (which is good!).
Having keys doesnt make something automatically Symphonic.
Notice the term "symphonic",implying symphony orchestra( in composition, instrument's etc).For instance, old mans Child has keys but they are in no way Symophonic
Nobody's making lists. You guys suck.
Heaven forbid we have some actual discussion aside from mindlessly posting lists.
Will do, but I've bought enough CD's this month. I probably won't get any more until late April.
It may take some time to track down on eBay anyway. You may be able to find it at some other distros but it is a little rare at the moment.
I don't understand how so many people can like Theli. It's only symphonic in the most superficial sense. It's one of the most boring albums I've ever heard.