They're not really black metal.. They have the odd blast beat and screechier vocals.. And they're really fucking crap.

Divina Enema.

I advise everyone to check them out.. And then avoid them from then on.
Darkthrone are pretty good, but how can you say that Enslaved wouldn't exist without them? That makes no sense. Under a Funeral Moon is without a doubt the best Minimalist raw BM album that I've ever heard, but minimalist raw BM is one of my least favorite types of metal (Listen to Darkthule and you'll understand why).
Well it's definitely become clear that Darkthrone is a highly debatable topic. What many things some people say about them, I disagree with, and what I and others think about them also gets disagreed upon.

Personally, I think we all have opinions on Darkthrone, and we're ALL WRONG. I don't think anyone here has any idea what they're talking about when it comes to Darkthrone, and I dare say that the band themselves probably love this aspect.

One thing is certain, Darkthrone is very VERY misunderstood.
All this nitpicking over what genre a band may or may not be in, about what is true black metal is bullshit. Just because a band might bring more complex riffs, different instruments, use less or more melody or speed or keyboard or cowbell doesn't make them a different genre.

My only qualifications for an album's BM status are at least a song or two that make you feel like you're alone and trudging through a moonlit forest/blizzard, a bit of whirring guitars, and a blastbeat somewhere in the album. It's the individuality\uniqueness of the band's sound that makes them good and or different, that's why they all aren't named Darkthrone, just like every rock band isn't named AC/DC.

There is definitely more to see in the black metal genre yet.
Enslaved is Black Metal.
That is all.
dodheimsgard doesnt make me feel like im trudging through a moonlit forest. but theyre a hell of a lot more black metal than 90% of the horse dung being labeled "black metal" these days. Same goes for bands like leviathan, shining, fleurety, anaal nathrakh, etc.
Meh... The Negurã Bunget one suffers from the "chuggah chuggah" syndrome (those kinds of riffs have no place in 'natural' bm), and Secrets of the Moon is just plain ol' plain.

That said, Negurã's "Sala Molksa" is a absolute divine album, and I hope you've all heard it!

Chugging? On "Om?" You can't use Negurã Bunget and such negativity in the same sentence man! You must look beyond the surface to understand this band. They are entirely unconventional, even for Black Metal (which serves as their core foundation only, not as their primary vehicle for expression). This band is beyond the boundaries of Black Metal, they have expanded from it in ways that most other bands can only contemplate on.

Om is a masterpiece of an album, unlike anything else out there. Negurã Bunget is Black Metal of its own kind, you cannot compare it to anything else, it is wholly unique and stands entirely on it's own merits.

Their later works are the ones which show their true potential, their true expression in parallel and in perfect harmony with their spirituality. The earlier works do not truly express their beliefs in the ways that N Crugu Bradului and Om do.

I highly recommend you listen to Om again, Crimson. It's a remarkable album, but more importantly, a highly conceptualised spiritual document.
Different to everything else, EXCEPT THEIR LAST COUPLE OF RELEASES! Seriously, "Sala Molksa" is where it's at! I give they're newer releases a spin every now and then, but it's never really clicked with me... "Inarborat Kosmos" is the only one I OWN, though (of the newer stuff. Own all the old stuff!). Who knows, maybe I'll pull a Hubster and do a completely 180 after bagging them out for a few months! :D

But yeah, "Sala Molksa"!!! :kickass:
How is Om similar to the last couple of releases? It is nothing like N Crugu Bradului, and the only reason Inarborat Cosmos sounds similar is because it has material written at the same time as that of Om.

I think you'll find you take more of a liking to the newer material once you have it. But be aware that the older material is not representative of the current form of Negurã Bunget - they have matured incredibly since those days.