Nothing really.... Bath And Body Works is pretty much the only place to go from here. Psychoballs is great and definitely their most "metal" but the production kinda sucks....
I downloaded LCD Soundsystem because I'm a big fan of Lo-Fi. However, I just don't hear what makes this disc redeeming, much less he 7th best CD released this decade.


Sorry to disappoint. That album is complete tits, and maybe even deserves to be higher. :D

Someone give me a cliffsnotes on that video, since I'm currently on my dad's shit computer with its shit verizon service. EDIT: wait, I just noticed who posted it. Nevermind.

#4 and #5 coming tomorrow....
Kid A is great! I feel like it's the only album praised in indie circles that deserve its' reputation. I've always loved the title track and of course "Everything in its right place"... definitely their best album (there I said it)

Curious about the top 3 :Smokin:

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I feel like it's the only album praised in indie circles that deserve its' reputation.

My #2 does too.

It's going to be tough to get the top 3 posted in the next few days. I haven't written them yet, and I'll be busy (flying back to CA on Friday) and with crappy internet. So.... THE TENSION SHALL MOUNT.
Alright ;) I thought I'd download every album from all the trop 25 threads, can't wait to add mine but it's exams time.
Am I the only one that is completely unimpressed by Radiohead? I just listened to those songs and they did absolutely nothing for me.
Am I the only one that is completely unimpressed by Radiohead? I just listened to those songs and they did absolutely nothing for me.
you are not the only one. people go on and on about how brilliant they are but i just hear very boring ambient music with terrible annoying vocals. Kid A (the song) sounds like it was made in a bedroom with frooty loops by someone with no rhythm. that song 'creep' might almost be ok if he didnt mumble the chorus like some sad mush-mouth. definitely one of the most over-rated bands of all time.

i am enjoying the write-ups though :)