Back when that album was released it was GYBE!

Then they changed it to GY!BE.

I went with the original.
i never read "part the second" as "split the unit of time"

getting more intolerably pretentious by the second (haha.) here folks

that said, i actually have this album on my ipod (my ipod) for some inexplicable reason

maybe one of these days i will listen

to it
That fucktastic !Godspeed You Black Emperor review is proof that reviews should definitely be written at least 5 years after an album's release, no sooner.

I don't see quite what you mean there, but thanks I guess...!
Album #2 posted. It's pinkage to the max, and will probably make most people here want to do a #2
...and i was correct. bravo! you have made me proud. i have listened to the Come On Feel The Illinois a few times since its release and hype (not for a few years mind you) and never really have gotten it. I guess I shall try to investigate further.

i'm surprised about 2 albums that you left off though.