Top 5 Best Album Covers?

I'd say they're a good step above goat heads, random severed body parts, and textureless digital art.

Hell yes.





I hadn't seen it before but I agree that the Usurper one is cool. Also agree with VVVVV that Spiritual Healing sucks, and I don't like the nerdy sketched black metal covers that look like something out of a fantasy book.

Others I like:
Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry
Agalloch - The Mantle
Aeternus - Beyond the Wandering Moon (distinctly lacks a castle with a stone bridge, such that it does not conflict with my above statement)
I'm going to have to agree with the people who say Spiritual Healing has some shitty cover art. If I walked into a record store and didn't know it was a Death album, I'd probably assume that it was a shitty local underground band who couldn't afford a cool artist.

EDIT: I don't really listen to Angra anymore, but I've always really liked the cover art for Temple of Shadows.
