TOP TEN ALBUMS OF 2003 (per Staff Writer)

Honestly APC, Crimso, and Negura Bunget are all on par with one another (given time each may achieve the evasive 10/10 from me), I pretty much ranked them in order of me hearing them. :)
The only place where I was honestly torn was at Negura Bunget and King Diamond. I could have had either at #1 even though they are practically at different ends of the spectrum. All other entries kind of fell in place, although Iron Maiden and Nevermore could have equally taken the #10 spot, but I really wanted to highlight my new find in Rudra (also featured in the new Terrorizer interestingly enough).

Shit, sometimes I look at my entire CD collection and just stare in awe. No kidding.
Black Winter Day said:
i got it from the end... came pretty fast, too! :p

That's good to hear. I'll end up buying it from The End most likely then. They haven't had it in stock so I figured they didn't have it to begin with but I guess I can wait for awhile and see if it comes back up.
OK. The wise one speaks.

I have to give a shout out to JayKeeley for the most improved list for 2003. His 2002 selections were more generic than the latest Hugh Grant film. I guess I'm mostly referring to his selections of Rudra, Mithras, and Negura (although Negura has become a fad ever since I turned everybody on to them).

Of course Erik has the most "black" of the lists. He also has very little variation in the style of music he likes (all though he might not see it that way). I might like his list the best, though. Too bad more of you didn't get the new Xasthur. I'll probably check out a few of the bands on Erik's list . . . just because he knows what's up and what's down.

Evil C has some nice picks, but overall his list is very, very generic. Hopefully he(or she) starts to get into some more adventurous stuff. Maybe he'll start to expand along with JayKeeley.

Chief B has some pretty generic releases in his list as well. However, he seems to really be a fan of traditional styles of metal.

NAD's list has some good selections, but of course I'm disappointed he didn't inlude the free Watchmaker CD I gave him or the spectacular Goatsblood. I guess I base a lot of an albums worth on its originallity.

Papa Josh has the nicest mixture or styles overall (NAD's is close), but surely he thinks Nevermore is better than the new Zyklon of Morbid Angel!

Well, I'll post my list at the year end. I'm sure everybody actually cares. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll have Mithras any time soon (damn EBAY stores!).

Here's my list of most dissappointing, though.

1) Arch Enemy
- Do I really have to go into this again?

2) Zyklon
- Jeez. I was really expecting something so much heavier and more technical.

3) Morbid Angel
- Oh lord! It's time to call it a day for these guys. They're being embarrassed by all their clones.

Note that Cradle of Filth didn't make it on the list, but that's because they were already dissappointing a couple years ago. They've just continued that path.
Black Winter Day said:
...and who was the only one left off that list? :D
Oh crap! I knew I forgot somebody. Yours is probably the best along with Erik's. Aborym at number 1 gives me great hopes for your future as a Jedi. I didn't even realize Amorphis had a new CD out. So your list was the most useful to me as well.

You might want to check out Xasthur . . . if you're into really black, grim music.
Black Winter Day said:
i'm fixing to order "nocturnal poisoning" and "the funeral of being", along with about a million other things, if that makes you happy! :)

i'm starting to discover that most of my christmas haul will stem directly from these lists!
Oh . . . don't base you haul off the RC lists. Wait for my list. It will be much more genius. Then you will be on the road to originallity of the highest degree. And that's all that matters.

Actually my list will probably have some pretty popular bands.
npearce said:
NAD's list has some good selections, but of course I'm disappointed he didn't inlude the free Watchmaker CD I gave him or the spectacular Goatsblood. I guess I base a lot of an albums worth on its originallity.
Watchmaker would have probably made my Honorable Mentions, except that there were about 10 more CDs that were as good, and would necessitate inclusion as well. That would have made the list too cluttered, so they were cut (but still appreciated and listened to).

Goatsblood was actually tied for 10th place along with Katatonia and Mörk Gryning, but due to format requirements, only 1 album could occupy each spot. Katatonia was chosen due to the fact that I listen to it much more than either contender.

I am shocked at your Morbid Angel analysis. They are embarrassed by none, and (nearly) as strong as ever.
i got it from the end about 5 months ago... i hear that it's been pretty hard to find since they ran out. ebay, possibly? one of my friends ordered it recently, but i don't know for the life of me where from. i'll try to find out next time i talk to him.

if you liked "tuonela", this one will be worth checking out. it has a more rock/catchy sort of sound, so beware (even though it is much better than am universum). i love it, though. they've written some of their best riffs (although in a diferent style, obviously, than their godly early albums).
NAD said:
Watchmaker would have probably made my Honorable Mentions, except that there were about 10 more CDs that were as good, and would necessitate inclusion as well. That would have made the list too cluttered, so they were cut (but still appreciated and listened to).

Goatsblood was actually tied for 10th place along with Katatonia and Mörk Gryning, but due to format requirements, only 1 album could occupy each spot. Katatonia was chosen due to the fact that I listen to it much more than either contender.

I am shocked at your Morbid Angel analysis. They are embarrassed by none, and (nearly) as strong as ever.
It really hurts me to say those things about Morbid Angel, but the truth must be told.

Just because you listen to an album more doesn't necessarily make it a better album. I don't listen to Khanate every day, but because it is so original and all consuming, it will be placed very high on my list. Same goes for Curse of the Golden Vampire. Nevermore, on the other hand, is great fun to listen to, but it doesn't have that same originallity and atmospheric presence that a "years best" CD needs.