Top ten bands that ruined metal in your opinion

Trendkill is overrated crap. I remember being a young Pantera fan and I liked the Cowboys, VDOP and FBD but even back then I knew how bad Trendkill was. Just sloppy. I despise them today.
Trendkill is overrated crap. I remember being a young Pantera fan and I liked the Cowboys, VDOP and FBD but even back then I knew how bad Trendkill was. Just sloppy. I despise them today.

I love it, it jars, it stops and starts and snarls and has an amazing atmosphere all the way through, very dark, steeped in drug addiction. Cowboys doesn't get much play from me, nor does FBD. They have great songs on them but Trendkill adds up to much more than the sum of its parts. As for overrated, I think it's one of the most underrated albums ever, hardly anyone has a word to say about it.

I think people have missed the power of the trip through it.
Trendkill was good and so was Cowboys but the rest of them seem uninspired to me. Im surpised at how much people turned on them after Dime died.
Pantera sucks. Cannibal Corpse is boring. Dimebag was never any good. I grew up listening to metal when Pantera was popular and I never "turned on them". They always sucked. Because of them we have shit like Lamb of God out there now.
Dimebag was never any good.

I don't worship the guy nor am I the biggest fan of the band but Dime was a great guitar player. Really catchy riffs and solos that had a ton of feeling in them to me thats great guitar playing. If you thought Dime sucked idk who you would consider a good guitar player then. I guess you prefer your mindless solos that only consist of technique and guitar riffs with no distinguishable rythm. Keep in mind I enjoy that from time to time but theres a difference between being a well practiced musician and one who can express themselves through their instrument.
Pantera sucks. Cannibal Corpse is boring. Dimebag was never any good. I grew up listening to metal when Pantera was popular and I never "turned on them". They always sucked. Because of them we have shit like Lamb of God out there now.

Lamb of God really isn't that bad. I think if you're going to hold Pantera responsible for their influences, how about all of those "tough guy" bands that white America loves so much.
Lamb of God really isn't that bad. I think if you're going to hold Pantera responsible for their influences, how about all of those "tough guy" bands that white America loves so much.

They're all equally bad. Lamb of God is no better than Trivium, neither of them are any better than Bring Me The Horizon, or Whitechapel, or Bullet For My Valentine. They're all a stain on metal and trendy shit that posers gravitate towards.

@sloughfegkillers: yeah I agree. Pantera was always garbage for people who couldn't get enough of the whole "tough guy" bullshit. Not to mention their fans are just as bad as Slayer fans thinking everything the band did is pure gold and nobody can ever be as bad ass as they are. Pretty disgusting.
Ah man...Pantera are really crap but as they say 'each to their own'.

I like Pantera, they have put out some decent albums. Power Metal, CFH, Vulgar all great stuff. They lost their way after that definitely. I think its the timing they came out which caused so many people to hate them, they kind of symbolised the move from traditional styles of metal to groove/nu-metal stuff.

I wouldn't call them a GREAT band and I agree they have some idiot fanboys who worship the ground they walk on (doesn't very band which reaches mainstream popularity though?). But they aren't anywhere near as bad as some make them out to be.
I think with Pantera there's a number of reasons why I don't like them.I did enjoy them for a little while but these were the reasons I grew to dislike them.
1.As Velocibrad points out,the 'tough guy' thing just did'nt cut it,especially with the excellent occult based bands around at the time who got very little to no recognition.
2.They played up big to the mainstream and then split because of the trappings that goes with fame,drugs,bitchiness,whatever.
3.And the last reason that I can think of whilst slightly hammered is just that I really did'nt like their sound,I grew up on Thrash,progressed to Death and Black and just did'nt really like them,even as a kid.In saying that I know alot won't/don't agree because they were'nt exposed to this stuff prior to Pantera.
Pantera's a lot of fun, and they were pretty creative as far as metal bands go. Of course it requires not having a narrow perspective on music and/or life in general in order to enjoy them.
Pantera's a lot of fun, and they were pretty creative as far as metal bands go. Of course it requires not having a narrow perspective on music and/or life in general in order to enjoy them.

So if a person does'nt like Pantera you can assume they have a narrow perspective on music and life...interesting.
So what bands do you like Grant? I very rarely see you post outside the social section.Obviously you like Pantera,there's a few around here like that.Or is it because you're an esteemed UM member that you can get away with that shit and noone realises/mentions it?