Top ten bands that ruined metal in your opinion

You think Bay Area Thrash is over-rated? Now your just being a cunt Brad.

why am I a cunt for thinking bay area thrash is overrated? because everybody praises it to death so its clearly not allowed to say anything bad about it right? please. there are plenty of thrash bands better than Testament, Exodus, Metallica, Slayer, etc.

I've been listening to this shit long enough to form my own opinion and not have to be a sheep like Ancient.
why am I a cunt for thinking bay area thrash is overrated? because everybody praises it to death so its clearly not allowed to say anything bad about it right? please. there are plenty of thrash bands better than Testament, Exodus, Metallica, Slayer, etc.

I've been listening to this shit long enough to form my own opinion and not have to be a sheep like Ancient.

1. You don't explain why, you come off as if your saying it just for shock value. I said Mercyful Fate was over-rated and everyone got all pissy kinda like right now except with you and bay area thrash and someone wanted to know why so I gave my reasoning they may not have liked it but whatever.

2.Ive said it before no band is beyond criticism. If you wanna upset the established order and challenge the status qoue be my guest im all for it, alot of people here are afraid to hear the truth about their precious bands so ill give you props for that.

3.You do know your metal I will also give you that but noone is better than anyone else because they've been a metalhead longer and everyone deserves an opinion no matter what.
I always preferred the Death/Thrash bands that came after, or the Teutonic scene to the Bay Area scene. I donnou.

I'd go with that, I prefer the German bands that came about around that time over the Bay Area stuff mostly. They had more energy and speed to the music even if they BA were more technical at times. Although there are some absolute gems in the BA scene too of course, I just like the slightly more messy, brutal style of the teutonic side of the equation. I think its how thrash should be!
why am I a cunt for thinking bay area thrash is overrated? because everybody praises it to death so its clearly not allowed to say anything bad about it right? please. there are plenty of thrash bands better than Testament, Exodus, Metallica, Slayer, etc.

dude, Slayer isn't bay area thrash.

anyway, i think the bay area produced some of the best metal bands like Megadeth, Testament, Vio-Lence, Sadus, early Metallica ... etc.
dude, Slayer isn't bay area thrash.

anyway, i think the bay area produced some of the best metal bands like Megadeth, Testament, Vio-Lence, Sadus, early Metallica ... etc.

And you need to seriously learn when to give it a rest, quit nitpicking.
1. You don't explain why, you come off as if your saying it just for shock value. I said Mercyful Fate was over-rated and everyone got all pissy kinda like right now except with you and bay area thrash and someone wanted to know why so I gave my reasoning they may not have liked it but whatever.

2.Ive said it before no band is beyond criticism. If you wanna upset the established order and challenge the status qoue be my guest im all for it, alot of people here are afraid to hear the truth about their precious bands so ill give you props for that.

3.You do know your metal I will also give you that but noone is better than anyone else because they've been a metalhead longer and everyone deserves an opinion no matter what.

My reasoning is that I prefer tons of other thrash to the Bay Area (or California in general, if you want to nitpick) thrash scene. I'd rather listen to Demolition Hammer and Nuclear Assault than Slayer, Testament, Exodus, or Death Angel. I'd much rather listen to the Swedish death/thrash bands (Merciless, Repugnant, Tribulation, Kaamos) or the Australian bands (Vomitor, Nocturnal Graves, D666, etc) than any of the Cali bands aside from Megadeth who is my favorite.

I find nothing appealing about most of those bands. They're boring and put on a pedestal for some ridiculous reason when there's plenty of thrash from the US that is better that doesn't get the recognition because it's not from that scene, and then you get morons who refuse to respect them because they're not 2nd rate Metallica wannabes like Testament.
no ones nitpicking you faggot, just pointing out the facts.

dude, Slayer isn't bay area thrash.

Thats nitpicking ^ your right but its still nitpicking and has very little to do with the topic at large. Your just in rage mode right now and too pissed to see it. Btw I fuck your mother up the ass EVERY NIGHT.

My reasoning is that I prefer tons of other thrash to the Bay Area (or California in general, if you want to nitpick) thrash scene. I'd rather listen to Demolition Hammer and Nuclear Assault than Slayer, Testament, Exodus, or Death Angel. I'd much rather listen to the Swedish death/thrash bands (Merciless, Repugnant, Tribulation, Kaamos) or the Australian bands (Vomitor, Nocturnal Graves, D666, etc) than any of the Cali bands aside from Megadeth who is my favorite.

I find nothing appealing about most of those bands. They're boring and put on a pedestal for some ridiculous reason when there's plenty of thrash from the US that is better that doesn't get the recognition because it's not from that scene, and then you get morons who refuse to respect them because they're not 2nd rate Metallica wannabes like Testament.

As for Brad, thats a perfectly fine answer. Thank you.
I've been listening to this shit long enough to form my own opinion and not have to be a sheep like Ancient.

This is why you get well-deserved shit. For fucking comments like this one.

"Oh, you like bands that I think are overrated? Well, you're just a mindless drone who is just being fed whatever is popular in metal. You're a sheep. Baaah. Baah. Look at me. Look at the far better bands I listen to."
I really dont think "plenty of thrash bands better than Testament, Metallica, and Slayer" exist. I've listened to plenty, too... every more mainstream and underground "masterpieces" and it doesnt really change my opinion.

So many of the classic straight up thrash bands bore the living fuck out of me... I only really listen to the above three, overkill, toxik, forbidden, coroner, death angel, metal church, morbid saint.
This is why you get well-deserved shit. For fucking comments like this one.

"Oh, you like bands that I think are overrated? Well, you're just a mindless drone who is just being fed whatever is popular in metal. You're a sheep. Baaah. Baah. Look at me. Look at the far better bands I listen to."

My sheep comment was well deserved by Ancient. Couldn't care less if you agree with him or not.
Thats nitpicking ^ your right but its still nitpicking and has very little to do with the topic at large. Your just in rage mode right now and too pissed to see it. Btw I fuck your mother up the ass EVERY NIGHT.

.... the guys trying to prove a point by saying bay area thrash is overrated and then uses Slayer, a band that wasnt even a part of the bay area thrash scene as an example ..... the same guy who was trying to say Dekapitators We Will Destroy...You Will Obey!!! is one of the best *recent thrash albums when it came out 1999 .... the guys acting like some kind of metal elitist when he seems like he dosn't know jack shit about thrash and shouldnt even be bashing other bands when his knowledge of the sub-genre is very minimal.... and its not nitpicking when your pointing out huge, obvious facts you dumb fuck ...

... that is all, thank you!

edit: thanks, fixed.
.... the guys trying to prove a point by saying bay area thrash is overrated and then uses Slayer, a band that wasnt even a part of the bay area thrash scene as an example ..... the same guy who was trying to say Dekapitators We Will Destroy...You Will Obey!!! is one of the best albums of 2009 when it came out 1999 .... the guys acting like some kind of metal elitist when he seems like he dosn't know jack shit about thrash and shouldnt even be bashing other bands when his knowledge of the sub-genre is very minimal.... and its not nitpicking when your pointing out huge, obvious facts you dumb fuck ...

... that is all, thank you!

lol when did I say Dekapitator was from 2009? I said recent, you turd. I guess though you didn't know 90% of the things on my list then since most of it wasn't from 2009 anyway and that's the only thing you're noticing! some "expert" you are.
Stop arguing with the kid. He likes Municipal Waste, which makes his opinion on thrash null/void.
This is actually kind of funny. So what if someone likes bay area thrash? If you are a true thrash fan, you will most likely enjoy bay area thrash along with all the other more obscure bands. You probably even end up starting out with the mainstream bands and grow out of them if you are new to the genre.

What is this mindset that all of these bands have to hate each other? Merciless doesn't do what Metallica does, and Metallica doesn't do what Merciless does. But that doesn't mean you have to hate one and like the other. You can enjoy BOTH, and just realize that Metallica may be a little more main stream.... atleast it's not metalcore or something.

Elitists are on the total opposite spectrum of the mainstream "sheep". They come off equally as extreme and irrational. And while, more often then not, I end up agreeing with the Elitists, they are way more dickish then the mainstream poser.

Opposite ends of the same blade. Choose your poison I guess.

I just wished everyone could smoke weed and be happy and just enjoy the music that they like. :Smokin:
without reading that article

every single prog band

dimmu borgir


trivium for making sure that melodic metal of any sort is dead

burzum but only because of the newest album which is basically a confirmation that black metal is dead + buried

pantera (rip our lord and savior Dimebag D. Christ)

opeth/dragonforce/absu + any other nerd favourites

FUCK Dimebag. Metal is better off without that faggot. Also, nothing wrong with Absu. Carry on, grimling.