Top ten bands that ruined metal in your opinion

Is this the exaggeration you mean? That's fine; even so, this exaggeration implies that you think most (not all, but most) black metal music since '94 is a poor mimicry of its predecessors. I intend to point out that you're casting far too much black metal into a narrow, close-minded category. Your description does not, by any means, suit the majority of black metal being written today. Therefore your exaggeration, which was intended to make a point (even if it wasn't entirely serious), is a valid contender for my contestation.

yes, but semantics aside -- oh wait


(long story short you overreacted to a forum post)
I'm putting 50 on Einherjar! Heavy is the crown is an Apr 2010 noob
Maybe you should just leave? Nobody finds your shitty "look how I spun the joke around and suddenly I'm part of it" responses funny..also nobody finds your posts intriguing or relevant? K bye
I think the inclusion of black sabbath is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, i.e. they started the whole metal ball rolling with every metal band that came afterwards taking some influence from them, so therefore logically they ruined metal by starting it in the first place.

I don't really buy all this 'ruining metal' stuff, its natural for music to progress into different subgenres as it develops, some of these are arguably totally awful but they still got metal out to a wide audience and kept up record sales after the golden era of the late 80s early 90s. It can be argued that metal was 'ruined' in the 90s when traditional thrash/death waned and the newer genres took over, but nowadays there is a massive resurgence of classic style metal with old bands releasing good stuff and new ones coming in emulating the original styles. So metal went off the rails temporarily but is now in very healthy form!
heres hoping.

in all seriousness i joined to lurk the bm thread in earnest but that gets like 1 post a day + instead found myself really really amazed at how touchy metal fans are about the music they like:Smokin:

It's a metal forum. People come here to talk seriously about the music they like. What did you expect?