Top ten bands that ruined metal in your opinion

That whole website and article are confused, it's called but its actually a metal website, and the article is actually about the most influential, not crappy, bands. Which is your favorite band on the list? I think Killswitch Engage kick ass, and I don't care if anyone flames me for it:

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I'm guessing it because of it's fans but that bullshit. They did lot more good for metal than bad.

SLAYER has done nothing bad for metal unless you consider making great records for years and years and influencing countless bands bad for metal
Considering that the album that is cloned has approximately one song and several copies, there could be some argument as to why the sub-genre gets so samey on that front.
Well I guess you have a point here, but I think this has to do with what you think of the album itself and has nothing to do with the bands that copied it.
Personally I don't think that it's bad that one album has a similar sound, in the end it's their own trademark sound, which they develped themselves, and you can like it or not but that's another story.

The real problem comes when one million bands see their success and start copying their sound in a crappy way. But is not ATG's fault.
It's not a bands fault when they cause people to pick up an instrument and form bands 1,2 years after playing with no music background or influences. At The Gates and Suffocation are good examples of this.
That's something they did for themselves, not "for metal". I doubt that a single band listened to World Painted Blood and went "Holy shit, this is what we need to do!"
Saturating the genre with bad albums IS "bad for metal".

Granted everything Slayer's done up to Seasons, and bits and pieces of DI is great, but what they've done since is utter trash.
World Painted Blood and it's chugga chugga groove bullshit is horrible.

Some bands can do it, Slayer can't.

mild musical experimentation after 20 years is not a bad thing and WPB is hardly what I would call "groove" just because every riff doesn't have some form of tremelo picking in it doesn't mean its groove
fuck this article and fuck people who blame great bands who might of inspired some shit ones.

How the hell can you say Black Sabbath or Pantera ruined metal? Thats just retarded. And anyone who agrees with this article is a fucking poser who is thinking too hard and looking for reasons that aren't there.
Sabbath didn't do anything bad, but Pantera epitomizes the stupid pissed-off drunk stereotype that metal's gotten. Not to mention that Pantera are teh suk.
Pantera epitomizes the stupid pissed-off drunk stereotype that metal's gotten. Not to mention that Pantera are teh suk.

Agreed, I remember the good old days when you could go to an Exodus concert and always find a like-minded fellow to engage in enlightening philosophical debate with over an eighteen year scotch.