Tracking bass


Oct 13, 2005
No, this isn't about trying to figure out which way Mendez went...

I've just started playing bass after 14 years of guitar, about half of those playing classical. So I think I have a pretty decent handle on the technique, at least for what I want to do. I can't slap or pop very well, but that's not really what I like. I'm not gonna play disco or Korn.

I have to admit that I'm relistening to my entire music collection to pay attention to the bass. Being a guitar guy, I never paid it much mind. Now I'm fascinated. What are those bassists doing? It's been a real education, and it's fun to hear music in a new way. To listen for something other than guitar, for once.

Maybe this sounds stupid, but I seem to prefer my bass clean as opposed to distorted. What do people who play bass or have recorded bassists think? It seems like distorted bass just muddies things up.

I fully expect people to point out where I'm wrong in this, btw, and I look forward to it!
