Traditional, Extreme, Progressive


Jun 3, 2003
I was thinking that all metal music falls into one of these three categories. The only issue is that some bands could claim to be extreme and progressive, i.e. Opeth and Death, but I would call those progressive rather than extreme.

Thoughts on this subject?

Edit: I don't want this to be a discussion on Death and Opeth; I intended for people to discuss whether all metal can be placed in one of the three categories listed.
Death's "Indivudal Thought Patterns" is an underrated album. Andy LaRocque and Chuck complimented each other amazingly.

That's all I have to add, because I don't care for the main topic of this thread. :p
As for the topic at hand... why? Why not stick with the more useful classifications, nwobhm, death, black, thrash and everything else? The definition of progressive will be whinged about by about 15 different people in the next 24 hours as well, btw.
One Inch Man said:
I like to classify bands into two groups: Sucks and Rules.

Right on.

PS - Opeth hasn't been truly progressive since '98. They are simply the AC/DC of metal now, except with emo elements.
A song itself or an album can be "progressive." Opeth's songs change and advance through many different parts, what isn't progressive about that? I understand what you're saying, but I actually disagree with that as I think they ARE advancing... We'll have to see what the next album is like though.