Travel ....

#1 I Heart NYC

#2 People here from the suburbs never go to the city.

#3 You can tell some chick in Connecticut you are from Manhattan and she'll look at you like you are some exotic thai or something (even though Connecticut is like 30 minutes away)

#4 Most Americans don't travel ... period.
I'm feeling in the mood to defend my country. :loco:
spaffe said:
Hehe perhaps, I'd say it's because USA is such a huge country that you don't need to travel abroad to experience great natural diversity
Keyword being natural and you're correct, this country is EXTREMLY beautiful. Forests, deserts, mountains, landmarks, monuments, spread across hundreds of square miles, and that's just in California.

But as far as why Americans don't travel, it's because they are xenophobic and overworked. Americans don't like to relax, and they don't like things that are different. The American Dream involves working as many hours as humanly possible, then going home to your rotten wife and lousy kids and having just enough hope and energy to watch the latest Reality TV show. Then you watch the news and complain about every god damn camel jockey / Frenchie / stupid Canadian / damn British / whatever you see.

EDIT: Wow, that was quite a defense of America. :lol:
Maybe my complaint lies in the entire West then, but I do think Americans (in general) are the most high strung of the bunch.

EDIT: Read other Orwell book, check. :D
JayKeeley said:
Don't you have that the wrong way round?

yes, it's true the other way around as well.
Manhatannites especially never come to the boroughs unless they have to go to the airport.
Erik said:
That's the impression I get too, but "we" do our best in copying all of your negative traits, we're just perpetually maybe 5 years behind you with the spiritual decay.

that is what is strange about Europe, especially Eastern ... people always bitch about America but they copy all the negative aspects of it.
So anywho, I'm not terribly sure why but I've always wanted to live in England. Suppose I should visit first, eh? :tickled: When I go to Europe I want to hit up England, Ireland, Germany, and France specifically. Any other countries will depend on how much time I'm able to spend there really.

Other places I want to go are Japan, Bali, New Zealand, Australia, Egypt, and... I think that's about it as far as places that call to me.

Austria, Germany (Berlin, Hamburg), Italy, Greece, Slovenia, France, England, Tunisia, Spain, Croatia, The Netherlands.
NADatar said:
So anywho, I'm not terribly sure why but I've always wanted to live in England. Suppose I should visit first, eh?
And learn to speak proper British:

Biggie - This is unusual. A biggie is what a child calls his poo! Hence the reason Wendy's Hamburgers has never really taken off in England - who would buy "biggie fries"? Yuck - I'm sure you wouldn't buy poo fries! The other meaning of Biggie is erection. It just gets worse!

Blow me - When an English colleague of mine exclaimed "Blow Me" in front of a large American audience, he brought the house down. It is simply an exclamation of surprise, short for "Blow me down", meaning something like I am so surprised you could knock me over just by blowing. Similar to "Well knock me down with a feather". It is not a request for services to be performed.

Hooter - Your hooter is your nose. The clue is in the noise you make when you blow it! Some people even have one that looks like a hooter, just for effect I think. It's also the horn on a car. Just imagine how shocked Brits must be when they go to the bar you have called Hooters and they find that the waitresses all have normal noses - disappointing!

Pardon me - This is very amusing for Brits in America. Most kids are taught to say "pardon me" if they fart in public or at the table etc. In America it has other meanings which take us Brits a while to figure out. I thought I was surrounded by people with flatulence problems!


I had to share. This site is brilliant.
The Netherlands
Czech Republic

Hong Kong
South Korea
The Philippines
