Trouble - Sunday May 20th

Haha because the practice was on mothers day (today) my parents got fed up with the performance thingy and said I could skip it so I will be at the gig for sure now!
I may be going to a hockey game that day. GO WOLVES! If that is the case, then I'd be getting there a little late, but in time for Trouble. I dunno. I did just see Trouble not too long ago at Durty Smellies. We'll see.
I'm getting all pumped up for Trouble later this evening. I doubt there will be a gaping void in front of Legend's stage tonight. ;) As much as I enjoy the really old stuff from the first two albums, I hope they do a few of the more obscure tracks from Run to the Light and Plastic Green Head in tonight's set. A good dose of SMC stuff would be good too.

See you soon! :headbang:
I too will be there.
Simple Mind Condition is great!!!
(You know, not that I have heard it, since it hasn't been officially released. That would be very very wrong.........)
I won't be there unfortunately. I was informed a little while ago today by my soon to be ex-roomie that he is taking his couches and TV out tomorrow...3 weeks ahead of schedule. Thanks for making us sit on the FLOOR for the next 3 weeks and wasting the cable that's been paid for for the month, asshat. Anyhoo, I have to spend this evening unhooking all of my audio/video equipment from the TV, labeling the cables and packing shit away. :Smug:

Have a great time tonight guys! Y'all do the DOOM DANCE for me, k? :headbang:
Awesome show last night.
Solid turnout for a Sunday night.
Good to see both old schoolers and younger guys in the house.

Trouble were great. They seem very pumped for their Euro tour.
They were a lot tighter than the Nite Caps show a couple months back.

Scott Davidson's Priest tribute band, Judas Rising, also played. They were actually VERY good. They have a great frontman that has the Halford stage presence down pact! I am not one for tribute bands, but they were very enjoyable.

URN opened, which really aren't my thing, so I couldn't really be a fair judge as to whether or not they would be considered a decent goth metal band or not. They had some rockers I suppose.

I ran into Rebecca (Wildfyr), baby face Chase (AlterofMadness), and Normando (All the way from Milwaukee! - I didn't get a chance to meet him at Powerfest, so it was cool to see him).

Legends is a very cool place for a show. Only downside is that the stage is maybe one foot off the ground at most, so you do have to be close up to see. The bar is pretty roomy. I hope they do more gigs there.
Thanks for the show review Jason! I'm glad that the turnout was good. Legends is indeed a decent venue for shows, sans the low stage, like you said. I knew nothing of Urn...surprised to hear that they were a goth-type band! I wish I knew that Judas Rising was playing too. It would have been interesting to check them out.
Yeah, Judas Rising were a nice surprise.
At first, I was like, "Oh great, another tribute band"
I always find this to be a bit cheesy at a regular metal show.
I mean, if it is a county fair or a tribute show, that is one thing.
They got the chops! Much better than Scott's Sabbath tribute band.
(Who were decent, but got a little dull after a while).

I guess URN has had songs played on various shows on the Sci Fi channel before. I am not sure if they are "known" in certain local circles.

Another cool thing about Legends..... $2 PINTS!!!!!!! YUM!
Here's a couple crappy cell phone pics to hold you over until Rebecca posts her sure to be kick-ass ones.....

Jasonic gave a good review of the show that I agree with for the most part... ;)

Urn was not the most exciting band... I could barely hear the vocals. The male vocalist sings lower and too quiet, while the female vocalist was just too quiet in general. She was much better when she wasn't stuck doing the keyboard duties thing.

Judas Rising was a good time. I am not being a negative turd here, just giving you my honest opinion...

The frontman was kinda weak for the first couple of songs (Maybe it was the silly leather hat?), then he loosened up and actually improved dramatically as the night wore on. I never would have guessed that coming. Usually cover singers blow out their vox trying to squeal like Halford.

It really bugged me that he lacked the upper mid range of Rob's vocals. He did great on the uppers and lowers. The rest of the band was spectacular. Tons of fun.. but where the heck was Painkiller? Who wanted stinking Diamonds and Rust? (A song riddled with the vocal range he lacked).

Trouble was everything I had hoped for. I have wanted to see them from the time I bought The Skull on LP back in '87. Just as Jasonic stated... they were tight. Those guitarists were spot on. Sweet.

Hopefully, my pictures turn out so I can post a Photune for all. It was a bit tough getting good shots due to the 8" tall stage and the stinking overused fog machine. :cry: