Trouble - Sunday May 20th

Thanks for posting your pics, Jason. I still have to go through all of mine. They'll be added to my site when they've gone through the process but I doubt I'll be posting any of them here. I'll PM you the link when they're ready.
Same goes for Actumen, ANGELofMADnesS, and Normando. It was great to chat with you all this time. Thanks for coming out to the show. I hope you all had a great time. :headbang:

Sorry you couldn't make it out last night, Rachel. I know how it is with the moving bit. Good luck with that!
The show was excellent! Despite the fact that I, admittedly, haven't heard too much Trouble in the past... I definately am hooked now. The only two complaints I have were the kind of iritating kids with all the facial piercings that were practically on top of the stage the whole time and felt it necessary to wiggle their fingers right in front of my face during the guitar solos, and the fact that t-shirts were $25, which was almost double the ticket price. Oh, and there was the creepy photographer that aparently thought me and another person were making fun of him? Or she was making fun of me? Or something... But that's another story. :(

It was cool chatting with you, Normando and Wildfyr, and shweet meeting up with AoM again(Sorry you had to leave a couple songs before the end). Sorry I managed to avoid you again Jasonic... I saw you from a distance, but only right when I was about to run up and claim my stage-front spot for Trouble.

I managed to get my beat-to-hell drumstick just like I hoped. :D And I'll post some of my dad's pictures on my ChicagoPowerCam photobucket soon.
Yeah, I thought that was you with the Candlemass shirt on.
I overheard Rebecca asking you, "Is that your dad??"

That's awesome your dad will take you to shows!

Glad you had a good time. Now go run out and get EVERY Trouble disc you can find! You definitely saw a great gig for your first Trouble show.

The only two complaints I have were the kind of iritating kids with all the facial piercings that were practically on top of the stage the whole time and felt it necessary to wiggle their fingers right in front of my face during the guitar solos, and there was the creepy photographer that aparently thought me and another person were making fun of him?
Those are some very legitimate gripes you have there. I was completely annoyed as well by that freak wiggling his fingers 6" away from Rick's hand as he was playing every single one of his solos. I cannot imagine how badly it was bothering Rick. I was amazed at his patience. The goofy part was that the kid's wiggling fingers by no means were anything close to what Rick was playing.

I thought I saw that scrawny dark haired photographer freaking out a bit down on your end of the stage. I had no clue what was going on and I see I wasn't the only one.

It was cool meeting and talking to you and AoM. I am sure it I'll see you around again soon. Two thumbs up to you Dad for taking you to the show, taking a ton of pics, and I swear I saw him enjoying the show. What did he have to say about it on the ride home?

On a completely different note... I picked up a Sacred Dawn postcard at the show and just checked out their site. What do I find on their site?... It is a picture of ShadowLioness holding the free Washburn Guitar that she won from the SD guys. Did I miss you informing us of you great luck Rachel? Congrats!!
Here's the set list as it was written on the list sheets they had. I snagged an extra one from the table next to the stage. It will be scanned and added with my pics when they're up. (Link's in the sig ;) )

Mind Bender
Goin Home

Heads up Europa. :D During some of the in-between song banter Eric said they had a day off in Amsterdam, which he seemed to be pretty happy about. ;)
Was that Eric's kid who was pulled up on stage?
I had turned around for a minute or 2 and the next thing I knew he had a kid up on stage, and said something like, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree"
On a completely different note... I picked up a Sacred Dawn postcard at the show and just checked out their site. What do I find on their site?... It is a picture of ShadowLioness holding the free Washburn Guitar that she won from the SD guys. Did I miss you informing us of you great luck Rachel? Congrats!!

Glad that you are checking out Sacred Dawn. Yes, there was another thread on here where Wildfyr (Rebecca) posted a great pic of me with that Washburn (I can't be arsed to search for it, lol). I won that back in the end of March...what a killer night! I've been enjoying the guitar though it has been put on the back burner for the last few weeks due to my upcoming move. That, and it needs to be taken in for some some buzzin' strings! Thanks for the congrats! :)

@Rebecca: I'll be lookin' for your pics from the Trouble show! Thanks for wishing me luck on the move. I'm gonna need all of the luck I can get...and the patience to not beat the hell out of the roomie before we separate. :)
Was that Eric's kid who was pulled up on stage?
I had turned around for a minute or 2 and the next thing I knew he had a kid up on stage, and said something like, "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree"

There was a kid on stage?:ill: I couldn't see anything but Rick at any given time. :lol: Though I think I vaguely recall what you were talking about.
^ Yeah, but he's not a small kid anymore. He's some of my pics standing there in front of his dad. :)

Speaking of dad's, Normando mentioned that your dad was "getting into it." I didn't see that. Was he really getting into it? That's sooo cool! :D
^ Yeah, but he's not a small kid anymore. He's some of my pics standing there in front of his dad. :)

Speaking of dad's, Normando mentioned that your dad was "getting into it." I didn't see that. Was he really getting into it? That's sooo cool! :D

Oh, I guess I'll see those when they're up, then.

And I dunno, I wouldn't be suprised. :p Afterwords, we talked about the ups and downs of the show and he said he liked Trouble and Judas Rising, but didn't really care for Urn. Though I'll bet he's willing to pay the big bucks for any blackmail-worthy photos you have.:lol:
Cam: Urn isn't really my cup of tea either but I still took some pics of them. Also, not sure what you mean about any blackmail-worthy photos. Who would be the blackmailed? ;)

Jason: They're on the way soon. Patience. :)
As always, great pics Rebecca! Looks like I missed a good show...ah well. I will say this though...


CUT THE DAMN FRINGE!!! Sorry. I can never stand it when I see that. :bah: