TSE X50 v1.0

Is it more cpu-friendly than the Beta?

OT, the thing X30 still has going for it, is it's stability..
Even on Sonar - and that's to say A LOT :lol:
Anyone else having trouble getting the TSE site to load? (FireFox, haven't tried Safari or Chrome yet).

Edit: Safari and Chrome won't load it either :(
Gave X50 a spin today into Recabinet and I have to say, this is quite possibly the best 100% in the box high gain tone I've ever achieved. Massively impressed!
By request there's a new feature in the final version, you can now also bypass the preamp to use the poweramp only.

This looks really interesting to experiment with my real pre! :worship:
When I get to it, sure! The lack of a power section on the X30 was always a bummer for me. Interesting to know how much is this intended to work with hardware, or just sims?
talking of X30, im looking forward to the updated version mentioned on the TSE page, that will be fucking awesome!
and talking of said TSE page : where's X40 gone?
TSE X50 is updated from beta to version 1.0


OS X version will be made when I know there's no serious bugs on this one.

Looking forward to that!!!!
From what I've seen, it seems to be at least about a 1/3 faster, but this doesn't only depend on the plugin itself, but also on sample rate, hardware capabilities, etc. The old x50 in stereo and low quality mode (which coincidentally sounds better than any other sim, no matter the quality mode) used to hog 8% of the CPU, the new version takes its toll about 5.5%. However, when engaged in high quality mode, it used to go to 14% and now it doesn't go beyond 8% which suggests that the 'anti alias' technology implemented does a better job with less resources now, and it's not hard to believe, seeing how Onqel reprogrammed it almost from scratch :D