TSE X50 v1.0

Amazing!!! this is loads better than the beta. :Smokedev: Major thanks Onqel
for making the final version before new year. Here's my take on it, playing along on the left side to Dark Tranquility - the new build.. I know this whole album has been recorded with the 5150, loved that tone so I mind as well try it out!

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Anybody can make a comparison between this and the real deal?
I already have the material, I'll post it when I get home.

I'm just as excited as anyone else, after I started the project from scratch again I just trusted the schematic to be correct and took it from there so I have no idea how it compare, I think that by itself it sounds better than the beta version and that my personal opinion..
I can't describe how grateful I am to you for your plugins, onqel. The X50 beta version is unbelievable and I couldn't even imagine it could be improved. I'm so excited right now, and also kinda pissed of because I recently re-installed windows 7 with a little ssd, and I don't have space left to install my audio stuff. AAAA!!!
Those clips are a little more different than I expected, sounds like your 5150 has a lot more gain and sounds way lot 'dirtier' in those clips.. how much gain did you give those DI's before running them through X50 ? The reason I ask is because when I made a "reamp" in LTSpice they sounded pretty much the same (I know that's not the way to do comparisons, but I do not own the real amp).. thanks for the clips btw ;)
Isn't the the TSE X50 modelled after a 6505+ which has less gain than a 6505/5150? This might be the reason we hear the real amp more gainy than the ampsim. How about adding more gain or increase the input in the TSE clip?
blue_fAng: The current version is modeled after the 5150, the differences are small though.. there could be too little input gain and the 'potentiometer' in the X50 could also be behaving differently compared to the pot on Jake's 5150 so similar pregain settings might be different. Either way, I'm gonna figure it out and update it when I do ;)
I'm not sure if it is the pot taper. The 5150's gain knob is very tonal, and if I were to raise the gain on my 5150 from where it is now, I would get a lot more low end presence and a looser response. If I were to lower the gain to try and get closer to the TSE amount of gain, too much low end would get chopped off and the high mids would get too pointy and it wouldn't sound like the TSE anymore. Judging by the fact that the EQ curve of the TSE sounds within 5% of what I would consider to be an exact copy, I would guess that it has something to do with the amount of actual clipping gain that is capable with whatever software or tube emulation is being used. The TSE sounds like the exact same EQ curve, but a lot less saturation going on in the clipping stages. I don't know software and code like you do Onqel, I just know the amp, and that's my guess ;)