TSE X50 v1.0

BTW, an SD-1 emulation from you would be SICK. the last one to be done was the SimuAnalog guys and it's okay...

I agree with this, the 808 is killer but an sd-1 done by you would be amazing.

Loving the new x50 and bod as well. Thanks so much for your hard work and generous spirit. Ill be donating to the booze fund for sure.
how many of you guys will continue to use tse x50 b3 after the release of tse x50 v1.0?

id fair to say.........no one?

haha this sim sounds almost BETTER (well...different but as close sonically to a real tube amp yet) than our 5150 with the right impulse...

Haha, i'll always prefer the real deal but for certain genre's/bands this plug is a really cool 5150 alternative that fits the 'djent' thing better, IMO

Hey about that bass pedal, sorry for the parallel, do you need bass cab impulses or use it dry ? thanks !

Wonderful X50 !

Both ways can give very nice results, i usually insert the same or similar sounding cab sim of the guitars to the bass after the bod and it sounds awesome
Thanks for the clips Red Phoenix, I clearly hear the difference in the poweramp, not so much in the preamp clips, I guess the place my poweramp model falls short by now is in the transformer model and that might be one cause of the extra brightness.. What IR did you use btw? :)
I just testet the X50 against my 5150 MKI. I compared preamp and poweramp separately too.
Same IR and settings on amp and sim are used:
Red Channel, Pregain 5, Low 6, Mid 2, High 5.5, Postgain 2, Resonance 7, Presence 8

Here are the files:

Big difference where the real 5150 poweramp is involved. Well, i guess, the 5150 really needs new powertubes.

X50 sounds very good.

Could that extra brightness come from using IR which already consists poweramp and maybe a lecab as loader, which usually is brighter than others?
I used one IR from Redwirez combined with an Impedance Curve IR. There is no poweramp imprinted in that IRs.
I wouldn't say that your X50 has extra brightness. Its more that my amp doesn't sound like it should/could sound, because over the last year i always felt that it is darker than before. But because most of the time last year (well right now its still this year :D) i used it with IRs and i thought new tubes would be a waste of money.

I got Sovtek 12AX7WA in the preamp. A bit darker sounding and with less gain than JJ tubes but i could also reamp with your max/min/noon settings if Jeffs Rose DIs are ok for that? Or do you got a DI which is fitting your needs?
But i don't got an expensive audiointerface. The signal from the send fx isn't that high which results in an not so awesome signal-to-noise ratio. Maybe its enough.
onqel, honestly, start selling those. 10e each would still be a pretty nice deal, and it would justify the annoyance and time it is for you to develop them.
I used one IR from Redwirez combined with an Impedance Curve IR. There is no poweramp imprinted in that IRs.
I wouldn't say that your X50 has extra brightness. Its more that my amp doesn't sound like it should/could sound, because over the last year i always felt that it is darker than before. But because most of the time last year (well right now its still this year :D) i used it with IRs and i thought new tubes would be a waste of money.

I got Sovtek 12AX7WA in the preamp. A bit darker sounding and with less gain than JJ tubes but i could also reamp with your max/min/noon settings if Jeffs Rose DIs are ok for that? Or do you got a DI which is fitting your needs?
But i don't got an expensive audiointerface. The signal from the send fx isn't that high which results in an not so awesome signal-to-noise ratio. Maybe its enough.

JakeAC5253 said he would do reamps for me, but it wouldn't hurt to have two sets to compare with if you have different tubes etc ;) roseofsharyn DIs would be okay I you don't have anything else.. ;)

LeSedna: true.. :P
JakeAC5253: thank you! take the time you need :)

I've always wanted to do a savage emulation, but there's no accurate schematic of that amp available.. I have asked myself so many times why the hell I'm doing this for free when I've been dead tired of programming :P I might release a non-free product one day, but I don't have anything in mind at the moment.. the reason I started doing this in the first place is because there was/is so much overpriced "garbage" out there, and I wanted to make software that met my own requirements, so far I'm happy that others get to enjoy it too without charge :lol: (some people might find my crap garbage also, but they have usually paid big bucks for the original gear or another commercial guitar suite )

I would easily lay down $10 - $20 for x50 v1.0 and B.O.D. 2.0 :D
There is a legion of Mac users ready to donate when your plug-ins have been ported to AU. The soundclips so far sound awesome. Dying to try this and X30 out someday.

Precisely. I so, so appreciate when things work on OS X haha. I will be donating whatever I paid for the stupid POD Farm metal shop pack, because I know at least as much work went into this.