TSE X50 v1.0

left side is X50 ..

Well I'm friggin surprised. So I guess you voiced it inbetween Red Pheonix and my own 5150 then? X50 here sounds a bit brighter than RPs' 5150, but in a good way. Are you going to offer two models each for a different tube, Ruby and Sovtek, like you did with the x30? Good work! Paid update please?
Actually, I'm still using the original tube model (JJ ECC83S), I've done changes to the parts around the tube, especially the capacitance that gives the "miller effect" which has a lowpass effect on the tube in some configurations.. I don't think switching tubemodels in this ampsim has that big effect that it's worth all the work in general .. maybe in a X50 'Ultimate' version :lol:
Actually, I'm still using the original tube model (JJ ECC83S), I've done changes to the parts around the tube, especially the capacitance that gives the "miller effect" which has a lowpass effect on the tube in some configurations.. I don't think switching tubemodels in this ampsim has that big effect that it's worth all the work in general .. maybe in a X50 'Ultimate' version :lol:

Gotcha. Yeah I never knew you had to program the different tube models in to get those versions. I thought it happened just like this here, where two people with different pre tubes gives you their reamps and you voiced it and called it those versions. Either way, please charge for the update, I hate seeing quality work go unpaid.
Onqel : when do you plan to release the OSX versions of X50, BOD and 808 approximatively ?

it is just for my information. because i'm planning to do recordings and I wonder if I should wait for the releases to begin my mixing.


Hi, can't give you a date right now. I would suggest you start mixing so I don't have to worry about people waiting for me ;)
Plugin won't load in bigger projects. If I start an empty project, it loads fine. But when I open a full project that uses B3 and replace with 1.0.1 the gui won't load.
What could be the issue, considering the new versions use even less CPU than the beta? Free memory @ 1.5gigs. Same problem with 1.0.
Plugin won't load in bigger projects. If I start an empty project, it loads fine. But when I open a full project that uses B3 and replace with 1.0.1 the gui won't load.
What could be the issue, considering the new versions use even less CPU than the beta? Free memory @ 1.5gigs. Same problem with 1.0.

I have the same problem in Cubase 6.5 with windows XP.
update: TSE X50 is updated from v1.0.1 to version 1.0.2
- PowerAmp, Made a change that affects the negative feedback loop (balance, LowEnd/Presence)
- Remodeled 3 triode stages for more accuracy
- New smaller change in tonestack
- A change in triode model with respect to the miller effect
- Made changes to improve DAW stability issues (I need feedback on this one)


The green channel hasn't gotten as much attention as the red channel has, so I'm not exactly proud of that one yet..
What's so tiresome about replacing a dll?

I wouldn't use it extensively on projects right away, before having tested it for a good while..
I change the unique identifier each time so I can load up the old .dll to see the progress of the sim. I'm sorry for that, but I guess this is the last update for a while so I won't bother you ;) The changes aren't THAT big so you could still use v1.0.1 in your project if you like, but the newest version is closer.. The biggest reason I made it public now was to see if I made right changes to the code so Cubase/Sonar users can use it in bigger projects without crashing