TSX X30 Thread...Post your clips here!!

Hey srv ray, wow cheers. hmmm Both tracks are the same guitar, its a guitar I made myslef which has EMG 89 pickups and a flame maple top so its got plenty of high end to drive the preamps.

I plugged straight into my Edirol interface, the right guitar is the TSE X30 with the OURcab simulator and the left guitar is the Dirthead into the OURcab sim with different cab settings. I sent both to a bus with small EQ boosts at about 1.5, 3.5 and around 7.5 or 8. The settings are in the pic below.
Hope thats helpful :loco:

Wait just lookin at the pic now it seems on the left guitar that I had the cab simulator on the Dirthead on and the OURcab sim on aswell. :OMG:

So effectively one cab sim running into the other. Woops totally didn't mean to do that, but i think it fits pretty good. Fuck it haha :cool:
Dirthead was my favourite ampsim before LePou started making amps :p

I would like to thank you all for your interest in my ampsim, it really made it worth all the work hearing it being used in the songs/clips you guys have posted!!
I hope I'm finished with one of my projects in time to release a new plugin this year/early january

Wait just lookin at the pic now it seems on the left guitar that I had the cab simulator on the Dirthead on and the OURcab sim on aswell. :OMG:

So effectively one cab sim running into the other. Woops totally didn't mean to do that, but i think it fits pretty good. Fuck it haha :cool:

kool stuff bro, keep it up, so if i got it right it was like... L and R guitars got different preamps for each other? bah fuck i didn't get the whole chain, anyways cool song man :kickass:
If you're describing what I think you are.. thats what I love about it. Its not uber smooth on the palm mutes like most other sims. It sounds like a distorted guitar should, imo. But then I'm a drummer, so what do I know ;p

plus mine, posted in the other thread, mostly Slate drums, all gtrs incl leads are X30:

Care to share the settings and the rest of the chain? Sounds amazing!
Please try to make a mac version before you move onto your next project.
Obviously easier said than done but dude, you would be giving Mac deprived users something fresh that isn't limited by VST
I actually used this son of a bitch live the other night. Ran it in Revalver as the main preamp. It sounded as good as any guitarist can ask for. I would've run straight to the sound board but it made me stand out way too much. INSTEAD:

X30 in Revalver VST host -> Revalver 8 channel parametric EQ "8Q" (2 of them. One a tiny tad scooped for the rhythms, one with the mids boosted and slightly higher volume for leads.) -> Revalver double delay "Re-lay 2" -> The effects loop return of an old Randall RH200 -> Original Peavey 5150 straight cab.

With some midi magic I made a foot switch situation with a half broken Playstation 2 controller I taped to the floor, running through a usb game adapter. Had it hooked so clicking the left stick gave me the rhythm eq only, and the right stick switched to the lead eq with the volume boost and turned the delay on. I'm not gonna pretend that's not some complicated, convoluted shit to go through, but the matter of fact is, the shit is cheap. For the sound I was getting from that rig, you'd think I'd spent thousands on it. Not so. Not in the least.

I got compliments all night on my sound, and everybody said my leads cut right through and weren't harsh or overpowering at all.

While I might come up with a simpler/more proper switching solution, for now I can't see my rig changing much. I've tried this before with other programs, and it just didn't sound right, but the X30 was definitely what I was looking for.

Again, Thanks Onqel! This thing is the shit. AND FOR FREE. I'd hug you.